March, Wahooo! Spring is here!!,,,,,, ok well……… at least on March 21st it is. We all know the truth about late winters in Colorado don't we. As we need the moisture in the mountains, I'm sure we can get by with some delayed openings. Much better then another fire season and closed forest this Summer. The Hobos have been hibernating most of the Winter like most. With the holidays, trips, and mini Winter Jeep projects, we haven't seen any Jeepin'. That's why you haven't seen an article since Oct 02'. Starting with the Left Hand Cleanup in May to Miner's in October, we will more then make up for a slow Winter. The date for the 5th Annual Hobo Run 2003 has been set for Saturday, July 19th.
I hosted the February Hobo Meeting on the 5th, as we swore in Pete 'Jeepdog' Rameriz. Along with normal business, a 'wish list' of trails was also compiled for the 2003 season. We also agreed we needed a voting structure away from Parent where a individual member's vote would be handed to the Patrol Leader to MHJC Board.
We also welcomed in our new Patrol Leader for 2003, Paul 'WeiszGuy' Weisz. He has been a Hobo now for 4 years, and is ready for the role. He is rapidly finishing up his transformation of his CJ7 from last year's roll. With some new parts and paint, it should be ready for show in time for the St. Patty's Parade in mid-March, and the Mall Show. We look forward to Paul's leadership within the Hobos and working with MHJC.
Paul Weisz with his son Brett...
Pete 'Jeepdog' Rameriz is our newest Hobo. Pete returns with renewed excitement, as he was with us in 2001. He has since then sold his YJ, and bought his brother's TJ. It's definitely trail-ready, locked and 36's, and it even has a remote start! Welcome back Hobo Pete!
Pete's 'Trail Ready' TJ...
Watch for the HoboJeepers as we stroll in the 41st Annual St. Patrick's Day parade thru LoDo on March 15th. WB2 will televise it live. Should be fun, I went to the parade last year and was surprised at the amount of spectators. We plan to wave and smile a lot, and to bring some 'good cheer' to the crowd for MHJC. We are also planning on showing at the Westminster Mall Show. If there is still room (call Larry Bracken), sign up and show your rig!
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2003 to all you lucky Irish at heart!!
See ya on the trail, "Jeep, Jeep"
Hobo Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
St. Patty's Day 2003!!
June/July 02' August 02' September 02' October 02' March 03'