August already??-Well it has been a long hot and dry summer!! Mr. Monsoon has been dishing us lately, and enough with the high 90's already-phew! Kinda makes you just want to get away to above timberline doesn't it?!? As this is August, congrats to everyone for another fun All-4-Fun in Silverton! Great to see everyone work together as a club. Mid 70's for highs is much better. Look for a full All-4-Fun report with photos on our website in mid-August. This month, the HoboJeepers take you to the
Kremmling Crawl 2002 (June 21-23), Jenny Creek (June 29th) and the
4th Annual Hobo Run 2002 (July 13th).
On Saturday June 22nd & Sunday June 23rd, Len Marks and the Central District of the Colorado Association Of 4Wheel Drive Clubs put on the
1st Annual Kremmling Crawl. Held on some private land 2 miles NW of Kremmling, it was 2 days of fun competition. No prize money, no trophies, just pure fun with an audience. Gate entry per day was only $5 and proceeds go to COVCHO to KEEP TRAIL OPEN. A well worth cause for a weekend of fun. Camping was allowed just east of the event area (shown on top of photo below). My jeepin sidekick Molly and I showed up on Friday night with the Jeep and set up my tent trailer. Some other MHJC members were also camping nearby, while some opted instead for a nearby RV Park or a motel in town. A storm blasted thru at 5pm on Friday night, but the rain and wind did not last long (the rain kept some dust down).
The event was set up to be a 'relaxed competition' between wheelers that love the sport. It took the serious pressure of winning off, and introduced the 'doing it for fun' attitude. Many MHJC members were present to compete. Sorry if I missed you, but in the Production Class I saw Jeff Fish (Bronco-P10, MHJC Commander and was a judge), Steve (driver) & Tracy Schuster (TJ-P10), Richard Dillon (Commando-P4), Brad Gosnell (TJ), Dale (driver) & Zane Znamenacek (TJ-P14), and Greg Mackey (CJ-P14). MHJC spectators (missing some?) included Dennis & Marci Ervin (P-11), Neil & Jill McMorrison (P-14), Eric Lister (P-14), Tom Hester (P-14), and Gene (was a judge) & Jean King (P-7). HoboJeepers
Jed 'Clampett' McClelland (Sat), and Chris 'Colonel' Potter & sons (Sun) also came up for the day. Food and refreshments were available, and door prizes were also given out to certain ticket numbers throughout the day. The weather was nice and cool and the winds calm each morning. The opposite was true in the afternoon, and the wind kicked up the powder dust into a frenzy at times Saturday.
Judges (most in yellow shirts) scored each driver (with one spotter) at each of the 8 obstacles. A 5 minute time limit to get thru was required. A '0' score was recorded if the vehicle did not hit any flags place along the course. Points were given for hitting flags. The flags were placed in different locations to make the course more difficult for the Open Class drivers. Extra credit obstacles were a crowd favorite. The Production Class included most rigs you would see on the trail and a daily driver. Even some open rigs were seen. Multiple carnage and scrapage of the undercarriage were common, even with the best rig and spotter. There were even spotters with different styles of spotting. It was interesting to see the different styles of 'crawling', from bonsai to finesse.
It was standing (or sitting) room only on some of the 8 obstacles. Since the course was run along a ditch, there wasn't a bad seat along the course. You could always tell where the action was by the depth of the crowd. You could stay in one place and watch how each driver takes different lines on one obstacle, or follow that driver thru the whole course. Each drive and spotter deserved a good round of applause when he or she conquered a certain obstacle or challenge.
Later on in the day on Saturday, the winds kicked up from the west and it was hard to see the action at times. I couldn't imagine what it was like to drive or spot thru it. Sunday saw less drivers, but they were required to drive the course in reverse order (time slots also). The crowd was lighter on Sunday, but still a great showing of support.
The following storyline of Jenny Creek is by Jed 'Clampett' McClelland
On Saturday, June 29th 2002, the
Jenny Creek Hobo trip headed up to the trail head from the meeting spot of Highway 93 and 72 at about 9:00 A.M. Six Hobos,
Ken 'Toolman' Kordes (61 Ford), Jason 'Milkdude' Brew (XJ),
Paul 'Weiszguy' Weisz (CJ7) and family, Drew 'Drewby Doo' Middleton
Bill 'Willy' Hallinan (CJ7) and his jeepin sidekick Molly, and myself
(Jed 'Clampett' McClelland-CJ7) as the trip leader. We were joined by three
guests, Mark in his 02 TJ, Matt and Lori who are new MHJC members in there 79 CJ7, and their friends Troy ('Troybult') and Lisa in there 00
TJ. The eight Jeeps and one Ford were all fairly well equipped, and ready for a great day out of the heat.
We aired down and disconnected just west of Rollinsville for the dusty ride up past Tolland to the Moffat Road. We rode the old railroad grade for another mile or so to the welcome Jenny Creek trailhead. The Jenny Creek area is still green and the creek itself had enough water in it to make the driving fun. Arriving at the 1st obstacle crossing Jenny Creek, we ran across one at a time with smiles. No one had any trouble on the few obstacles along the trail; for the most part we tried to figure out the most difficult (fun) rout to take.
The trail follows along side Jenny Creek, and eventually up and in the creek. A long time ago, the creek jumped it's banks and took the least path of resistance, which was the existing trail. This makes Jenny Creek unusual and different from all other Colorado trails (except for a portion of Taylor Pass), a chance to run up (and down in our case) a creek. With the low runoff this year from snow banks, the water in Jenny Creek was running fairly low but clear! Seemed a little strange driving up the creek bed, but like I said, this is the trail. For a good hundred yards or so in two different locations we were running up the creek. There is even a good spot we took one at a time with two large rocks presenting one with a challenge to get thru.
At one point in the trial we even added a few rocks that had been removed, "OK boulders", to the trail in order spice it up a bit! The trail is nice and tight, with trees and rocky sections to keep you happy. Near the end of the trail, one last snowdrift was an optional climb with momentum and a higher gear.
Then we started up the north side of Jenny Creek and climbed various small rocky hills thru some small rocky sections. We had lunch at Yankee Doodle Lake where it was nice and cool compared to Denver, and it was not hazy with smoke at the time. After lunch, we drove to the end of the eastern leg of the Moffat Road then turned around and headed down.
Being it was around 1pm, there was still enough time left in the day for some more "4-wheelin". So instead of going down Jenny Creek, we decided to head out for nearby Miners Gulch. This was an opportunity to run this short ˝ mile fun section before October when we have it scheduled.
Located just south of Tolland and the Apex road, Miner's Gulch has a nice little rock garden that is nothing to difficult, but just enough to mark up your under-carriage a little. This trail doesn't get a lot of use, so the rocky sections have become and get bigger all the time. One by one, we crawled up the lower section til we reached the 'rocky playground'. We took turns climbing up, and taking different lines. The rest of the trail was a nice ride through the trees.
We passed a tent trailer near the easy FR 175.3 and noticed numerous big flies in it. Paul stopped and checked to make sure nothing was 'fishy', and seems nobody was there except tons of flies. On up the 2nd half of Miner's, the trail becomes steeper with some more rocky sections. We ended up on the ridgeline on FR 175.3 and headed NE towards Central City. We ended up coming out above Central City near the cemeteries, and all aired up and reconnected around 5:30ish.
Thanks for the free air! We planned to come home together, so we cruised through casino row and gave the tourist a little 4-wheelers parade. After grabbing some Taco Bell at the just east of town, and we took a nice cool cruise on down Highway 6 to Golden along Clear Creek, where the heat, smog, and traffic awaited, and made us all anxious for our next trip to the mountains. "Jeep,Jeep" Jed 'Clampett' McClelland
On Saturday July 13th, 2002, the HoboJeepers hosted the
4th Annual Hobo Run 2002 for 28 "Hobos for a Day" over the Kingston Peak Loop Trail. "As real hobos ride the rails, we too ride the trails in that same traveling spirit". A hobo needs to muster up needed supplies in order to survive on the trail. Each checkpoint offered the hobo a chance to collect different point values from the items (fresh egg, plastic spoon, toilet paper square, Q-Tip, stick of gum, and a hersey kiss). Along with the items, a card is chosen at the other 5 checkpoints to try to have the highest poker hand for extra points.
Eugene the Jeep (our little mascot), was also on hand in the area. At the second checkpoint, "Where's Eugene?" clues were handed out to each hobo and read out loud over the CB as to his possible whereabouts in the area. A hobo could receive 200 extra bonus points with the right answer. This year he was in Idaho Springs. Each item was stored in souvenir traveling bandanas, and at the lunch spot, all the points were totaled up and trophies along with door prizes handed out.
The trail actually started at IHOP at 6th and Simms in Lakewood, Colorado at 7:20-8:40am with registration for the run. Since everyone had already pre-paid, registration consisted of only signing in and picking up you're goodie bag. The goodie bag contained a souvenir silk screened bandana, a magnetic dash plaque, door prize ticket, a nut, and sponsor brochures. Everyone was excited for a fun day, and a 'different' day of jeepin'. After a quick driver meeting at 8:45am, and an "official" hobo swearing in ceremony, we were off parade style up Hwy 6, and west on I-70. Hobos were given an instruction sheet which covered the rules to read on the way up to the trailhead. Thanks to all of you ("Hobos for a Day") who supported us in this years run including our corporate sponsors.
The "Hobos for a Day" included Dennis and Marci Ervin (MHJC Patrol 11), Todd Frick (MHJC Patrol 11), Tony Vigil (MHJC Patrol 11), Zane and Dale Znamenacek (MHJC Patrol 14), Brent Highland (MHJC Patrol 14), Eric Lister (MHJC Patrol 14), Robert Schlegal (MHJC Patrol 12), Jeff and Donna Carr (MHJC Patrol 16), Neil & Jill McCorrison (MHJC Patrol 14), Debrah Lampson, Alex Lampson, Sever "Kazman" Kazanowsky, Scott Kazanowsky, Jeff Dahl, Mark Fisher, Chuck Burkey, Amanda Hastings, Paul Sprauge, Alex Cattrand, Rick Lukowicz, Tim Scully, Guy Bellville, Bob Attwood, Larry Nygaard, Jonathan Grahmann, Don Derelth, and finally Frank Eichenaub.
Along with the 'hobos for a day', were hosts HoboJeepers (MANY THANKS FOR A GREAT JOB!!): Chris 'Colonel' Potter and son Jason, Paul 'Weiszguy' Weisz and son Brett 'Weiszdude', Drew 'Drewby Do' Middleton, Ken 'Toolman' Kordes and wife Nancy, Marc 'Nugget' Gilbertson & friend Sam, Jason 'Milkdude' Brew, Jed 'Clampett' McClelland, and myself (Bill Hallinan) with my jeepin-sidekick Molly
Now here's a neat sight! Picture 35 (27+8 HoboJeepers) good-lookin' jeeps running up I-70 all with their lights on in line, it looked cool from the front were I was! We managed to stay within about a 2-mile stretch of each other too, and nobody broke down! Yea! I think it took about 10 minutes for the CB introductions. We had a slowdown at the bottom of Floyd Hill where a semi had layed down and dumped it's load of fruit all over the opposite lane.
Once off I-70 and up the more peaceful Fall River Road, we worked our way up to the summer town of Alice at about 10,500' in elevation to the air-down spot. Drew Middleton helped me with the dispersion of the fresh eggs as the hobos air-downed for the trail. You didn't get points for your egg if it was broken by lunchtime, so many tried sneaky methods not to break it! All items though needed to be in their traveling bandanas on a stick.
All Aboard! One by one the train of hobos chugged/jeeped up the hill (with some pretty rocky stuff), as each hobo followed the trail to places unknown and a fun day. Each of the HoboJeepers were at 5 other checkpoints as the 'train' of Hobos passed by to provide items for each hobo. We all made the turn at Jed and Jason's scenic checkpoint at the base of Yankee Hill, and headed into the tight-tree lined trail along the east-side of Kingston Peak.
Each Hobo received a 'Where's Eugene' clue at the 2nd checkpoint, and read it over the CB. Most everyone figured out where he was after the 30th clue (he was down in Idaho Springs). Then we passed Paul Weisz and his son Brett to receive the next item and card, then Chris Potter and son Jason, and on to Drew Middleton. We stopped for a 10-100 on the east side of Kingston Peak in the trees, and Drew had a stick of gum for the Hobos. It took about 10 minutes for the end of the line to catch up. I know 2 guys on motorcycles came up on me on the trail at the front, and when I told them I had 34 Jeeps behind me with nowhere to pass they turned around and peeled away.
At one point we were strung out over I'd guess over a mile on the trail. All the while I rarely got out of 2nd low and kept a slow 5mph speed up front. The HoboJeepers did a great job in moving everyone along. Everyone stopped at all 5 checkpoints and collected a survival item (worth points), and a card to make a high poker hand (Amanda Hastings had high hand with a Queen high straight!). Marc & Sam had the last checkpoint, and handed out a kiss to every Hobo (Hersey Kiss that is!) and the last poker hand card.
Once up at the tree-line lunch spot (treeline--about 11,400'), each Hobo brought up their "Where's Eugene?" guess, and the fresh unbroken egg (for points), then settled down with their lunch after being on the trail (train) all morning. As the "official" HoboJeeper judges (Many thanks to Drew for the totals) tallied the points, each hobo received a really cool door prize based on the ticket in their goodie bags at registration.
The list is long, as I handed out some really cool stuff, thanks to the many sponsors, including the local Denver 4x4 shops: Mile-Hi Jeep Rebuilders (Jim Dozal), High Country 4x4 (Al), and Exhaust Pros of NorthGlenn (Rick). The 'black nut' award went to Dennis Ervin (who had the black nut around his neck), and won a fishing pole from Eagle Claw. Each hobo also compared the size of their nut to the person next to them to see who had the largest one. OK, footnote needed here: The nut in reference is a 5/16th inch steel nut on a string around their neck. OK?--, so Scott Kazanowsky had the largest nut (3/8th inch to be exact), and received an extra 100 points to his point total (did that make a difference??). He also received a plaque and a Leatherman as a prize for having the largest 'nut' on the run.
This year we had a raffle which included about $1300 worth of nice items. We also raffled off the unclaimed door prizes. Thanks to all who bought tickets. Thanks also to our corporate sponsors for the raffle and door prizes.
With the points tallied, the last place 'winner' was Don Derelth (310 pts), and won a Delorme Colorado Gazateer Map Book. 3rd Place trophy winner was Scott Kazanowsky (630pts), and won a $25 certificate to High Country 4x4, and the 2nd Place Trophy winner was Brent Highland (650pts) of MHJC Patrol 14, and won a $25 certificate to High Country 4x4. The "Top Hobo" of the 4th Annual Hobo Run 2002 went to AMANDA HASTINGS with a total of 750pts! She also won a $100 certificate to 4Wheel Parts! Congrats to the trophy winners, and to ALL the hobos, cause we all had fun--which is a winning feeling in my book.
Congrats to "Top Hobo" Amanda Hastings, way to go Amanda!!
Other final Hobo Run 2002 scores:
The weather down in Denver has been hot, hot, and dry. We did get some cool air at 11,500', but no rain this year. Great views of the Front Range could be had in all directions as we trekked along the tundra west from the timberline lunchspot. We all headed along the 1st switchback with everyone in view (a nice sight!).
Everyone made it up both steep hills, as the second hill must of been graded for SUV's as it was not difficult at all. The views of the Front Range were beautiful as ever! We reached the summit of Hobo Pass at 12,020', and stayed on the main trail down to the last steep hill before the rock house. It was nice to see some clear air for a change as this summer has not been good for Colorado's blue sky.
We all stopped at the rock house to stack a rock, sign the guestbook, and get a nice group shot. The winds were ever-present as they always are, so we headed down into to the trees (which were old Bristlecone Pines straight out of the Wizard of Oz forest). Views off to the south offered up Georgetown and I-70 to Loch Lomand to the west.
Once down off the switchbacks at the air-up spot, some aired up, while others headed down to Idaho Springs for some air, and some even went up for more jeeping at Yankee Hill. Alex Cattrand's CJ frame busted at the right rear front shackle point, and it was unsafe to drive home. He waited in Alice for AAA with Robert Schlegal (Thanks Robert!). Seems Dennis Ervin and Drew were found safe and sound, they took a wrong turn at the switchbacks. Yea!! A great day for all, and everyone was a winner. The spirit of the Hobo lives on to the next trail...
Thanks again to the "Hobos for a Day" for your support (you know who you are), hope you had as much fun as we did, and we look forward to seeing you next year in mid-July for the 5th Annual Hobo Run 2003!! This report and more photos is on our website…
The HoboJeepers are looking forward to Holy Cross on July 20th, All-4-fun 2002 in Silverton, Red Cone, Twin Cone, Glacier, & Taylor/Passes in August! Be safe this Summer Jeeping and
See Ya on the trails..."Jeep,Jeep"
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
September01' October01' November01' December01'/January02' February/March02' April/May 02' June/July 02' August 02'