Summer trail season is in full swing! By
now, you are well into all the trails you were looking forward to do this year
and having blast! The HoboJeepers
are having a fun Summer, as we enjoy the great trails right in our backyard. The following trip report for Holy Cross, was written by
Scott “Mad Max” Maxwell: “
Sunday July 1, Hobos
Sean "Joker" Tallant & guest Lance, Drew
"Drew by" Middleton (our newest Hobo!) & guest Vicki, Scott
(with sons Tom & Pete) Maxwell, and guests Bob & Heather from the
Springs, all headed out from Morrison for a nice drive (2 hours west on I-70)
through the mountains and became a "4 TJ trip to Holy Cross".
We stopped at the MHJC's Patrol 12 Fugowie campsite on the way up and talked to
Brian and a couple other Fugowie's about their previous day's run.
They reported great trail conditions, good water flow in French Creek and
a couple of the more interesting trail breakdowns we'd seen in a while. We headed on up to the lower trailhead and hooked up with
Hobo Sean and his buddy who'd come in the night before.
The Holy
Cross City Trail has shades of Moab in that the obstacles start off early
and there are plenty off them. We
hit a little bit of traffic in the lower section of the trail, but once we
navigated around a couple other vehicles coming up and down we were on our way.
The lower section offers some good obstacles and a taste of things to
come. After
a quick bite of lunch we headed up through French Creek. I thought I'd recognized one of the Jeeps parked in one of
the campsites and it turned out to be fellow Hobos Chris
"Curly" and Debi Vieth, who'd come down the day before to run with
Patrol 8. They'd broken an axle, so
had parked Curly's Jeep.
There was a small group of
testosterone and Keystone beer pumped kids hung up in a Toyota pick-up in the
big rocks. There was another small
group of spectators on the hill that had brought out their lawn chairs to watch
the fun. After beating and bashing, running and gunning, the Toy and their buddy
in the Scout managed their way out of the rocks without leaving any significant
components behind.
The beer gang came back to watch what they thought would be sure carnage to await the Hobos. Alas, we disappointed them. With some excellent spotting by Sean and the rest of the gang the Hobos navigated the creek with little trouble. Bob enjoyed watching Heather pilot his 2inch lifted TJ with the thin tires through with minimal effort. She did a great job and left some of us wondering about the benefits of those wider meats on our rigs when picking your way through the boulders.
Bob flexes at French Creek... |
Scott crawls thru the French Creek obstacle in style... |
On up to the trail and taking
the right fork past Holy Cross to some great obstacles.
The first is a big off camber rock with nothing but open meadow waiting
below. The angle of the rock sends
the front end skyward and makes the spotter scramble for higher ground so you
can see his hands over top of your hood.
Meanwhile your mind is thinking about that downward slant and slick granite that will send you sliding sideways toward the edge with any misplaced tire. Needless to say the sphincter got more exercise on one obstacle than a vegetarian choir member gets in a month. All safely across we proceeded to the wall (I'm sure there's a official name for this, but I don't know what it is). This is a great obstacle with slippery granite and multiple ledges to work your way up. Again, with some good lines and spotting Mad Max and Sean were eventually able to navigate up the face after several attempts and some carefully placed rocks. Drew and Bob gave valiant attempts, but with open diffs and limited lift on Bob's rig, decided a little winch help wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Drew makin' Holy Cross look good 'open'... |
Sean coming down......those are 35's... |
On Saturday July 14th, the
HoboJeepers hosted the 3rd
Annual Hobo Run 2001
for 29 "Hobos for a Day" over the Kingston Peak Loop Trail. "As
real hobos ride the rails, we too ride the trails in that same traveling
spirit". A hobo needs to muster up needed supplies in order to
survive. Each checkpoint offered
the hobo a chance to collect different point values from the items (fresh egg,
matchstick, toilet paper square, Q-Tip, stick of gum, and a hersey kiss).
Along with the items, a card is chosen at the other 5 checkpoints for the
highest poker hand for extra points.
Eugene the Jeep (our little mascot), was also on hand in the area.
At the second checkpoint, "Where's Eugene?" clues were handed
out to each hobo and read out loud over the CB as to his possible whereabouts in
the area. A hobo could receive 200 extra bonus points with the right answer.
Each item was stored in souvenir traveling bandanas, and at the lunch
spot, all the points were totaled up and trophies along with door prizes handed
The trail actually started at IHOP at 6th and Simms in
Lakewood, Colorado at 8:00-8:40am with registration for the run.
Since everyone had already pre-paid, registration consisted of only
signing in and picking up you're goodie bag.
Everyone was excited for a fun day, and a 'different' day of jeeping.
After a quick driver meeting, and an "official" hobo swearing
in ceremony, we were off parade style up Hwy 6, and west on I-70. Hobos were given an instruction sheet which covered the rules
to read on the way up to the trailhead. Thanks
to all of you ("Hobos for a Day") who supported us in this years run
including our corporate sponsors.
The "Hobos for a Day" included (sorry if I
miss some spouses-busy day ya know), Kevin "not broke yet" Carter (MHJC
Patrol 8), Heather and David Burke (MHJC Patrol 8), John and Darlene Murphy (MHJC
Patrol 14), Dennis and Marci Ervin (MHJC Patrol 14), Brent Miller (MHJC Patrol
14), Nathan Rogers, Tom Hester (MHJC Patrol 14), Zane and Dale Znamenacek (MHJC
Patrol 14), Brad Johnson, Robert Schlegal, Linda Boocher, Justin Olsen and wife,
Jeff and Donna Carr (MHJC Patrol 16), Debrah Lampson, Joel ""
Riedesel, Sever "Kazman" Kazanowsky, Rena Fusiller, Brent Highland (MHJC
Patrol 14), Nathan Kraus, Eric Lister (MHJC Patrol 14), Tony Vigil (MHJC Patrol
11), Tim Vigil (MHJC Patrol 11), Bob Meakim, Jed McClelland, Roger Rau, Rick
Fitzsimmons, Eric Lemings, Kalle Anderson, and finally Doug Smith
Along with the hobos for a day, were hosts HoboJeepers (MANY
THANKS FOR A GREAT JOB!!) Chris Potter and
son Jason, Chris and Debbie Vieth, Bobbette
Mathews and daughter Catherine, Paul Weisz and son
Brett, Drew Middleton, Sean Tallant,
Kristin Jacobson, and myself (Bill Hallinan) with my
jeepin-sidekick Molly. Unable to attend, but helped
organize are Scott Maxwell and Ken
Now here's a sight!
Picture 36 (29+7 HoboJeepers) good-lookin' jeeps running up I-70 all with
their lights on in line, it looked cool from the front were I was!
We managed to stay within about a 2-mile stretch of each other too, and
nobody broke down! I think it took
about 10 minutes for the CB introductions.
off I-70 and up the more peaceful Fall River Road, we worked our way up to the
summer town of Alice at about 10,500' in elevation to the air-down spot.
Kristin Jacobson helped me with the dispersion of the fresh eggs as the
hobos air-downed for the trail. You
didn't get points for your egg if it was broken by lunchtime, so don't break it!
All Aboard! One by one the train of hobos chugged/jeeped up the hill (with some pretty rocky stuff), as each hobo followed the trail to places unknown. Each of the HoboJeepers were at 5 other checkpoints as the train passed by to provide items for each hobo. We all made the turn at Bobbette and Debi's checkpoint and headed down the trial.
The Hobos airing down for a fun day!! |
Drew and Kristin had out survival items... |
Each Hobo received a 'Where's Eugene' clue, and read it over the CB.
Most everyone figured out where he was after the 30th clue (he was down
in Central City). Then we passed
Paul Weisz and his son Brett to receive the next item and card, then Chris
Potter and son Jason, and on to Drew Middleton.
I dared to find out how long we were strewn out when we stopped for a
10-100 on the east side of Kingston Peak. It took about 10 minutes for the end
of the line to catch up. I know 2 guys on motorcycles came up on me on the
trail, and when I told them I had 36 behind me with nowhere to pass the turned
around and peeled away.
At one point we were strung out over I'd guess over a mile on the trail.
All the while I rarely got out of 2nd low and kept a slow 5mph speed up
front. The HoboJeepers did a great
job in moving everyone along, and since Kevin Carter was in the rear of the
pack, he didn't hold up anybody (or break down!). Everyone stopped at all
5 checkpoints and collected a survival item (worth points), and a card to make a
high poker hand. Sean had the last checkpoint and handed out a kiss to
every Hobo (Hersey Kiss that is!).
Once at the tree-line lunch spot (treeline--about 11,400'), each Hobo
brought up their "Where's Eugene?" clue, and the fresh unbroken egg
(for points), then settled down for their lunch after being on the trail.
As the "official" HoboJeeper judges tallied the points, as each
hobo received a door prize.
The list is long, as I handed out about $3,300 worth of some really cool
stuff, thanks to the many sponsors, including the local Denver 4x4 shops:
Mile-Hi Jeep Rebuilders, Off-Road Ltd, Predator 4x4, and Exhaust Pros of
NorthGlenn. Each hobo also compared
the size of their nut to the person next to them to see who had the largest one.
OK, footnote needed here: The nut in reference is a 5/16th inch steel nut on a
string around their neck. OK?--, so Jed McClelland had the largest nut (3/8th
inch to be exact), and received an extra 100 points to his point total (did that
make the difference??).
With the points tallied, the 3rd runner up was Rena Fusiller (720pts),
and the 2nd runner up was Zane Znamenacek (730pts) of MHJC Patrol 14. The
"Top Hobo" of the 3rd Annual Hobo Run 2001 went to JED
a total of 760pts! Congrats to the
trophy winners, and to ALL the hobos!!
Door prizes galore for 'hungry' Hobos at lunch... |
Congrats to Jed McClelland--'Top Hobo' |
The weather down in Denver has been showers almost daily starting in the mountains and working down. Well, we were able to finish up lunch, and head out into the open tundra above 11,400' with no serious threat of lightning storms. Great views of the Front Range could be had in all directions as we trekked along the tundra. We all headed along the 1st switchback with everyone in view (a nice sight!).
Everyone made it up both steep hills, as the second hill must of been
graded for SUV's as it was not difficult at all.
The views of the Front Range were beautiful as ever!
We reached the summit of Hobo Pass at 12,020', and stayed on the main
trail down to the last steep hill before the rock house.
The 'train' of Hobos above treeline... |
"Hobos for a Day" 2001 |
We all stopped at the rock house to stack a rock, and get a group shot. The winds were howling in advance of a storm so we headed down into to the trees (which were old Bristlecone Pines straight out of the Wizard of Oz forest). Views off to the south offered up Georgetown and I-70 to Loch Lomand Lake to the west. Once down at the air-up spot, some aired up, while others headed down to Idaho Springs for some air, and some even went up for more jeeping at Yankee Hill. A great day for all, and everyone was a winner. The spirit of the Hobo lives on to the next trail... Thanks again to the "Hobos for a Day" for your support (you know who you are), hope you had as much fun as we did, and we look forward to seeing you next year in mid-July for the 4th Annual Hobo Run 2002!!
for daily trip reports from All-4Fun Salida 2001 next month’s newsletter.
See ya on the trail, "Jeep, Jeep"
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers