A big Hobo "Jeep Wave" to all, this fine Summer of 99'! Yep, It's summer, and time to do all your
weekend chores during the week after work, and go JEEPIN' on the weekend! That's just what we did
for the busy month of July.
The month of July 99', started out with Paul Weisz and
I down at the
All-4-Fun Scouting in Fairplay
over the 4th weekend. I along with Jeff Bourdo (and Amy), scouted the Silverheels Trail. To which
we found a big snowbank at the end of the trail. The trail itself is a good "stocker" trail with
great views, especially if you enjoy the humming of a major powerline going up the center of the
canyon. We then proceeded to see how far you could get up to 13,000-foot Mosquito
Pass. Well, on
that day, it was only as far as the North London Mine or about 12,200'and a big snowbank. The next
day, Paul and his son Brett met myself and Patrol 8's Heather and Kevin at the trailhead to
Lake on July 4th. After a quick air down, we encountered the 1st few SUV weedout obstacles. The
guys all crawled up the right side of one obstacle with ease, and then Heather tried to one up us by
going up it with only 3 tires on the ground. After a quick disconnect of a sway bar she maneuvered
right on up like a pro! More obstacles were encountered and conquered, until we reached the end of
the trail. Well, not exactly the end of the trail, a big snowbank kinda was in the road even before
we reached the switchback up to the lake. We were entertained by some other 4-wheelers crossing,
then getting sideways on the snowbank, and we then decided to try the Crystal Lake Trail SW of Breckenridge.
We got to the entrance to the trail and what did we find? You guessed it, a locked gate! We did
see another way around, but soon found out that old Jeep trail had been converted to a hiking/bike
trail. What's a lesson to be learned here? Stay informed on road closures, write letters, or else
we'll be sharing more and more dusty county roads with SUV's.
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Wheeler Lake Trail |
On July 10th, the Hobos (my sidekick Molly and I, Ken Kordes, Paul Weisz and his son Brett, Chris Potter and his son Jason, Jon Brule and his cold (that's dedication), all got together to scout the Kingston Peak Loop Trail. After a breakfast at IHOP, we were on our way for a fun-filled break-free day. Well, atleast that's what is supposed to happen. As a light separated us on Hwy 6, the front group pulled over just before Tunnel 1. Then as Paul was pulling away, then a "Clank", or was it a "Clink"? TIP: Don't ever put low-grade steel blocks in your rear springs, all they do is bust. Boy we could of use some air tools (which Paul has now) that morning. Thanks to Ken the "Toolman" Cordes filing the u-bolts, and everyone's help, we were on our way an hour and a-half later. On the trail, we found a neat tree-lined trail along the East side of Kingston. The weather was perfect on top, with no chance of showers. Lunch at the James Peak Trailhead is always an awesome view. It was great to see Ken on the trail with us
"Dual High-Lift
Top of Yankee
Lunch View (Longs Peak in distance)
Kingston Peak Loop Trail
On July 17th, the Hobo1Jeepers sponsored the 1st Annual HOBO RUN for the MHJC. We all met at IHOP at 8am for breakfast, then all the "Hobos for a day" packed up with their traveling bandanas and headed up for Alice. The air was crisp and cool on the ride up, and the sight of all the vehicles parading up I-70 was great. A special "Thanks" goes out to our sponsors (High Country, 4-to-Go, Mile-Hi Jeep Rebuilders, Off-Road Ltd., and Bestop) this year for continuing to support local 4WD events like these. Please take the time to thank them back if you can. At the air down, each Hobo found their 1st item to be a fresh egg with a point value, which was placed in their bandanas. As they drove along the trail, other Hobos (Thanks to Ken, David, Chris, Paul, and Jon) were there to greet them with other Hobo survival items like Q-tips, a stick of gum, a toilet paper square, a match stick, and a kiss (Hershey that is). Each checkpoint also had a card that each Hobo collected for a poker hand. Clues to figure out where Eugene our mascot was were handed out at the 2nd checkpoint. All these items and extra-credit points were totaled up at the lunch stop at timberline. It was also great to see fellow Hobo David Parrett finally on the trail with us that day.
Yankee Hill Climb
Lunch Stop-Door Prizes Awarded
1st Annual Hobo Run over the Kingston Peak Loop Trail
While the "Hobos were having lunch, awards and door prizes keep their attention. The "Lucky Nut" award went to Don Wilson for wearing the largest lucky nut around his neck all day. Door prizes were then awarded by ticket numbers handed out at registration to each "Hobo", with the high lift going to Steve Schuster. The race for "Top Hobo" was close, if Dale Moser (total points=590) would of guessed right where Eugene was (add 200pts) who knows? Finally, came the Hobo trophy presentations. The 3rd-place trophy went to Sherry Winslow (with 630 pts-left in photo), and 2nd place went to Steve Schuster of Patrol 8 (with 680 pts). The 1st Annual Hobo Run "TOP HOBO" Trophy (with a total of 720 pts) went to a prospective Hobo ………..CHRIS VIETH (far right in photo). Congratulations to the trophy winner, and to ALL the other "Hobos" who came along, because you were ALL winners that day. After lunch, we all proceeded up and over Hobo Pass, traversed along the tundra, and back down to Alice. We stopped at the rock house to stack a rock and signed the "Loch" guestbook, and get a group photo, before we dropped down to Alice and air up. A ton of thanks go out to Paul Weisz for airing up about 32 or so tires for free! The Hobo Jeepers enjoyed putting on the run this year, and look forward to the 2nd Annual Hobo Run the 2nd week of July in 2000!
Kingston Trail Pic
"Hobos for a Day"
1st Annual Hobo Run over the Kingston Peak Loop Trail
Hummmm, there seems to be one more weekend in July. But wait, first things first, is to help a fellow Hobo with his lift (on his TJ). Thanks to Ken Kordes for his facilities and day on Saturday July 24th to raise Jon Brule's (no longer "stock") TJ, to accommodate 33's. Paul and I were also able to spend the day, as we learned the ins and outs of the term "installation". So, what else to do? Well, there's Sunday July 25th left to run a trail and test out Jon's new lift. After tackling the rock section of the Spring Creek Trail in June, the HoboJeepers decided to try it again. Paul, Chris, and Jon, met at IHOP, and headed up to the trailhead after breakfast. This time everyone was seasoned, but the rock garden sure seemed "bigger". Jon worked his finesse right thru, as did Paul. Chris conquered some obstacles he'd missed the last time. Other then Jon's brakes seizing up, and the Empire crawl home on I-70, it was all in another day of jeepin. Isn't that what it's all about?
Spring Creek Trail 2............Revisited
Well, we ran out of weekends in July, so once you read this were already
back from All-4-Fun in Fairplay, and another trip on the 14th in the works. So keep your Jeep tuned
up, 'cause Summer trail season ain't over yet!