During the first week in August every year, the Mile-Hi Jeep Club put on their 33rd Annual ALL-4-FUN which was held July31 to August 7th near the town of Fairplay, Colorado (yep, the home of "South Park"). Paul Weisz (and son Brett), Chris Potter (and son Jason) and I (and my sidekick Molly) enjoyed a great week of social and jeeping events.
View west off 14,200' Mt. Bross
ALL-4-Fun 99' camp
Jeepin on top of the
After a relaxing day of driving down
to the campsite from Denver, setting up camp, lawn chair olympics, and a really nasty
lightning thunderstorm Saturday, the next day I was ready to jeep!
Here are just some of the 15 trails offered each day out of camp. I led 3 trips (Mt. Lincoln/Mt. Bross-Sun., Twin Cone-Mon., Mosquito/ Weston Pass-Fri.), and one Hobo trip (Glacier/Swan/Radical Hill/Webster Pass-Thur.). Other trips included Wheeler Lake, Browns/Breakneck Pass, Peerless Mine, Red Cone, Swan/ Radical Hill, Chainmen Gulch, just to name a few. Every night other then Monday are filled with all kinds of entertainment under the "Big Top". It's so popular, you'd better set up your lawn chair before you go on a run, or you won't get a seat under the tent! Since we couldn't do all 15 trails offered each day in 5 days, below is a list of the trails we did do during All-4-Fun 99':
Sunday night Aug 1st, after trails
are run, was "Fairplay Appreciation Night" under the tent. Local
merchants from Fairplay and the surrounding area donate items for everyone to
use during the week long event. My Dad John Hallinan (former Hobo
from the 60's), was at ALL-4-Fun for a few days. So on Tuesday Aug 3rd, him, Jeff and
Donna Carr (and Magoo), and I went up to Mosquito
Pass, stopping at the New
London Mine and Mill for some scenery and "rock hunting". Yummy
ice cream was on everyone's dessert list Tuesday night sponsored by Bestop.
New London
Kid's Games
Thanks to Lynn Butler for another great Manufacturers Day on Wednesday Aug 4th, and to the BBQ crew. Paul, Chris and I shined up our CJ7's and entered them in the Show-N-Shine sponsored by Rancho. With free food to eat, vehicle and human games to play, tons of manufacturers to meet, and the real rain holding out till mid-afternoon, the day was a blast! Wednesday night we had a free BBQ dinner from MHJC and the Awards Ceremony for all the games, and Show-N-Shine under the Big top.
Show-N-Shine Vehicle Games Family Good Times
The Thursday "Door Prize Night" was not just any night. As it had been raining most of the week, well it poured at 7:08pm, and yes the phrase "cats and dogs" was used. The Kings must have 9 lives, cause "Mr. Lightning" was everywhere but on that microphone they held in their hands. THANKS to the committee for the Door Prizes! Everyone got one, and some 2, like me!
Friday night Aug 6th we all had some free hotdogs and burgers put on by Warn. A great Country and Western band entertained us as we grubbed, and Harold Ogden of Warn handed out a winch to a lucky winner. A few campfires finally got started, and tall tales and jokes were told on this final night. Oh yes, I almost forgot, it didn't rain that night!!
The Hobo1 Jeepers had an excellent time in Fairplay this year. We look forward to ALL-4-FUN 2000 with Chairs John and Stephanie Flesner (of "Hey, Where the Fugowie" clan) in the Central City area next year! If you went this year, you already know how much "fun" it was, if you didn't………… don't miss it next August 2000!
See more ALL-4-FUN photos on the MHJC All-4-Fun page.
Here are some links to other Mile-Hi ALL-4-Fun Reports:
All-4-Fun Week 2001 by HoboJeepers
All-4-Fun Week 2000 by HoboJeepers
All-4-Fun Week 1999 by 4x4U.com
33rd Annual All-4-Fun 1999 Fairplay, Colorado by Flatlander
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton, Colorado by Flatlander
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton, Colorado by Truckworld.Com
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton by Harold Ogden
30th Annual All-4-Fun Salida, Colorado by Flatlander