ALL-4-FUN 2001
July 28th to August 4th
Click on Santana, Top Gun, Bob Marley, Rocky, AC/DC, Mission Impossible,
Beach Boys, Axle's Theme, James Bond, Van Halen, or the Eagles while you browse the ALL-4-FUN reports...
All-4-Fun 2001 ~5 miles north of Salida, Colorado |
All-4-Fun, spelled backwards is Fun-4-All. That's what the week is all about, fun for the whole family, and fun for jeepers of all skill and rig levels. Held every year by the MHJC during the 1st week in August, a different town in Colorado is chosen to host the event. For 2001, it is the town of Salida. What a week!!! From dusty to wet, from hot to cold, we had it all! The week went by to fast!
Trips vary in difficulty, from
easy and scenic like Mt. Antero... |
To moderate/difficult with obstacles
like those on Chinaman Gulch... |
Aspens along 'Aspen Ridge'... |
This year, the 35th Annual MHJC All-4-Fun Salida played host to about 375 registered wheelers from Sat. July 28th to Sat. Aug 4th. Along with some 85-100 MHJC members, well over 1000 people attended the weeklong event. It has been 5 years to the week since MHJC and ALL-4-FUN visited this same site. Each All-4-Fun every year would not be as successful as the last without the long hours of support and help of each committee member doing their part.
Salida, Colorado... |
Thanks to all, and especially Chair Gary Moul who can now sit back and accept this congratulations. It takes a lot of people to put an event like this together. Thanks to everyone for making this a fun and successful week. Anyone reading this that was there would agree!
Upper San Luis Valley at the end of Clover Creek Trail... |
13,971' Mount Ouray... |
As I said last year, "As far as camp stories, I won't go in specifics, so I'll be brief. It was so nice to visit other patrol camps (P5,P11,P7,P12,P14), and other camps from other visiting jeepers. Everyone was so upbeat and in a great mood all week. Was it the beer? Nope, just friendly people, all with the same hobby-jeepin'. After a long day on the trail, it was great to hang and swap trail stories." There was no ban on fires this year, so the campfire stories were all around.
Fun card games in camp... |
Campfires every night with good friends... |
Rob of 4x4 Used Parts Inc. was on hand once again to help out anyone in need of repairs. Discount Tire, Warn and MuddyTires.Com provided refreshments, and BF Goodrich were also on hand every day for free "Ride and Drive" tires. Thanks to Marci and Dennis Ervin (Trail Bosses) for organizing trips everyday, and making the Trail Leader's job easier.
Rob and his crew there to help you get 'fixed' for the next day's trail... |
Many manufactures on hand for tips and deals... |
Jeepers from all over the country (farthest this year was from Hawaii) come to enjoy a week of jeepin' (5 days), and the social functions held every night under the big top year after year. This year in Salida was no exception, Sat. night: Orientation Night, Sun. night: Salida Appreciation Night, Mon. night: Land Use Night, Tue. night: Bestop Ice Cream Social/Baby Doe Tabor Entertainment, Wed. night: BBQ/Show-N-Shine/Kids Games/Adult Games/Awards, Thur. night: DOOR PRIZE NIGHT, and finally, Fri. night: Warn Night/BBQ/Live Band til midnight.
Every night under the big top was one event after the other. So popular, you need to set up your chair "before" you go out that day on a trail... |
So, as every night was planned, all you had to do was figure out from the 20 or so trips run each day (except Wed.) which one you wanted to do! I was a trip leader all week and lead 4.5 trips to some great trails (Sunday: Hancock Tomichi Trails, Monday: Toll Road Gulch/Clover Creek Trails, Tuesday: Spiral Mtn./Aspen Ridge/Bald Mtn. Gulch Trails, Thursday: Tailgunner for Chinaman Gulch, and Friday: Mt. Antero.
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Here are the general trail locations of
the trails offered this year All-4-Fun 2001 based out of Salida.
click on link below to a daily trip report
from All-4-Fun 2001...
Sunday, July 29th
Monday, July 30th
Tuesday, July 31st
Wednesday, August 1st
Thursday, August 2nd
Friday, August 3rd
Home for the week... |
As the token Hobo for the whole week, I headed up to Central City on Sat July 29th to the All-4-Fun site I hadn't seen yet to set up the tent trailer. Drew "Drewby" Middleton arrived Friday night and stayed til Wed late, and Chris "Colonel" Potter and son Jason arrived Sat til early Tuesday. I camped on the high ground just south of the 'Big Tent', just far enough away from the morning and afternoon dust from the newly formed camp trails, though none were exempt from the dust. Dust was our friend...rain too.
Lots to see and do on Wednesday... |
Games for the kids... |
and for the adults! |
The food Wed and Friday was great!! |
On Thursday night at 7pm sharp, the popular Door Prize night was run by Brian and Margie Hoag's committee. Everyone was ready to receive over 400 "NICE" door prizes to registered jeepers who were present. How long does that take? Well, at 11:45pm we had the raffle, and these guys were working as a team too…well done door prize committee!! I got my $20 worth of Children's Hospital raffle tickets, and not a one even came close. Who cares, it's all for the kids. Another fun night under the big top!
The ever-so-popular "Door Prize Night" was a great success!! |
"Jeep" toughest 4 letters on wheels is owned by the Hooobs for 2001... |
The week of FUN closed up on Friday night with the MHJC BBQ, free beer, and the band (which played last year in Central City and Fairplay in 99') started up at 6pm as part of Warn Night, sponsored by Warn Industries. During intermission, a 9500i Warn winch was given out by Harold Ogden of Warn, and the band played on till midnight. I won a WARN Jeep bumper!!!! I had to get jiggy with it! Great Jeepin' Poetry by the littlest HOOB was the highlight I believe! By Sat. August 5th at 11am, the camping sites were almost empty, as happy and content jeepers would make their own treks back home.
Here are some group photos of wonderful jeepers
I met and led on trails during the week...
Everyday of the week, either on the trail or in camp, was a blast! My plans for vacation the 1st week in August 2002 is a no-brainer! A toast to the hosts and the guests for another successful All-4-Fun 2001!
"I hope you enjoy my week-long adventures, and the accompanying 130 odd photos..."
Thanks to Scott Marshall, Donna Carr, and Darlene Murphy for photos in this report...
All-4-Fun Week 2002 Silverton-HoboJeepers
All-4-Fun Week 2000 Central City-HoboJeepers
All-4-Fun Week 99 Fairplay-HoboJeepers
Here are some other Salida, Colorado sites:
Here are some links to other Mile-Hi ALL-4-FUN Reports:
All-4-Fun Week 2000 Central City-HoboJeepers
All-4-Fun Week 2000 Central City Willie Worthy
All-4-Fun Week 99 Fairplay by
All-4-Fun Week 99 Fairplay-HoboJeepers
33rd Annual All-4-Fun Fairplay, Colorado by Flatlander
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton, Colorado by Flatlander
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton, Colorado by Truckworld.Com
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton by Harold Ogden
30th Annual All-4-Fun Salida, Colorado by Flatlander
See Ya next year for
July 27- Aug 3, 2002
Trails will be run in the beautiful San Juan's....
Here is a report of our trip to the San Juan's in 2000
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton, Colorado by Flatlander
32nd Annual All-4-Fun Silverton, Colorado by Truckworld.Com
(Space limited to 200 vehicles!!, Get registered ASAP!)
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