Hobo articles represent the previous month's activities, and are published in MHJC's "Jeepers In The New's"
     Well, as you’re probably reading this sometime in September, Fall is just around the corner, as the Summer of 99’ winds down. Now’s the time to head up and do all the high mountain jeep trails on your list. September’s always my favorite month, with all of the jeep trails still open, the aspen’s Fall colors transform the countryside.
     The month of August 99’ for the HoboJeepers, started out with the 33rd Annual ALL-4-FUN in Fairplay on July31 to August 7th. Paul Weisz (and son Brett), Chris Potter (and son Jason) and I (and my harnessed sidekick Molly) enjoyed a great week of social and jeeping events. A special thanks goes out to all the committee members, committee heads, and the chairpersons this year Marvi and Billy Dolgener. After a relaxing day of driving down to the campsite, setting up camp, lawn chair olympics, and a nasty thunderstorm Saturday, the next day I was ready to jeep!

On top of Mt. Bross                         All-4-Fun Camp 99'       View of the top of the world, (from a jeep)!
ALL-4-FUN 99'    

     On Sunday Aug 1st, I led a trip up to Mt. Lincoln/Mt. Bross, with 33 or so in tow. Hobo Chris Potter and his son Jason, were among the group. Having that many on a trip like this was manageable, and we all took in the great views (when there were some). After a brief climb up 2/3rds of Mt Lincoln, we did have to turn around at a locked gate. Both trails are more scenic then technical, but since most in the group were “Flatlanders” scenic won that day. Though, most of the day we did spend “in the clouds”, there were some breaks to afford a quick view. It’s not everyday you can line up 33 jeeps on a 14,200 foot mountain like Mt. Bross. We had a 42% cloud-free lunch at the top of Mt. Bross, and finished just in time for another pellet-sized hail/rain/lightning storm to come and tell us it was time to get down. Back at camp, Thanks to the Kings and his committee for some door prizes from local Fairplay merchants that night under the big top.

Trail lineup to Mt. Bross                "Jeepin' in the clouds"         33 Jeeps on 14,200' Mt.Bross

      14,200' MT BROSS TRAIL

    On Monday, (after another little downpour that night, just to keep the mud a constant viscosity of course) I led a trip up to Twin Cone Peak Trail with Chris and his son, and about 28 or so behind us. “Muchos Thankos” goes out to Dennis and Marci Ervin for an excellent job keeping us trip leaders in line, and making the jeep trips the reason why we have this event every year. After a brief air down, we drove thru some easy trails west of Kenosha Pass. The trees and countryside we passed thru, made you forget all about the hustle of city traffic, your job, and whatever else ailed you before then. We looped back to the top of Kenosha Pass, and started up the Twin Cone Peak Trail all together. The trail winds up along Kenosha Creek and a few switchbacks, until you reach the “Colorado Go-4-ers” adopt-a-road sign, that’s where people got some jeepin in. After a left, and running the group thru the obstacles, we all had lunch (actually the mosquitoes had us for lunch) at “The Rock”. A few others and I ran up to the top of Twin Cone, but with just a two-track, no pullouts, and fragile tundra, only a couple could go at a time. There is only room for 2 or 3 on top anyway, so we proceeded to retrace our tracks back to the bottom and back to camp.
     My Dad John Hallinan (former Hobo from the 60’s), was at ALL-4-Fun for a few days, so on Tuesday him, Jeff and Donna Carr (and Magoo), and I went up to Mosquito Pass, stopping at the New London Mine for some scenery and “rock hunting”. Yummy ice cream was on everyone’s dessert list Tuesday night sponsored by Bestop.

Show-N-Shine                      New London Mill              Kid's Games on Wed

ALL-4-FUN 99'

    Thanks to Lynn Butler for another great Manufacturers Day on Wednesday, and to the BBQ crew. Paul, Chris and I shined up our CJ7’s and entered them in the Show-N-Shine. With free food to eat, vehicle and human games to play, manufacturers to meet, and the real rain holding out till mid-afternoon, the day was a blast!
     On Thursday Aug 5th, the Hobos decided to run a loop trip involving Georgia Pass, Glacier Ridge, S.O.B. Hill, The Swan, Wise Mtn., Radical Hill, Webster Pass, and back to camp in time for Door Prize Night. With the weather touchy all morning, we able to still get in some great shots of the area and some of us jeepin. Glacier Ridge was as advertised, a long off-camber scenic timberline trail, which keeps one eye on the scenery, and the other on your level-gauge. We met up with some Illinois 4-Wheelers coming up S.O.B Hill, and with their super swampers on the mud and rocks they made it look easy. Geeeee, all we had to do was slide down it, as we did without major scraping noises along they way.

Hobo Bill, Hobo Chris, Hobo Paul


    The views once on top were spectacular, as we watched big puffy white clouds roll our way, like being engulfed by a tidal wave. Once down Radical Hill and up Webster Pass, then the rains really came down just in time for us to negotiate the narrows down the other side. Once down, we passed the wonderful job that Gene King and others have done keeping the meadows left alone along the trail. Speaking of trail, this one seemed like it would never end, then finally it did! Thanks to Paul for the free air, and we were heading back over Kenosha Pass and south towards camp. The Door Prize night was not just any night. As it had been raining most of the week, well it poured at 7:08pm, and yes the phrase “cats and dogs” was used. The Kings must have 9 lives, cause “Mr. Lightning” was everywhere but on that microphone they held in their hands. THANKS to the committee for the Door Prizes! Everyone got one, and some 2, like me!

Swan Hill Climb                        Top of Wise Mtn             View of Radical Hill and Webster Pass


     Friday Aug 6th has arrived as the last day for trails. I led a group of about 13 up and over Mosquito Pass, down into Leadville for some “tourist shopping”, then back over Weston Pass and back to camp. After stopping at the New London Mine and Mill, we drove on up into the clouds. Yep, pea soup more like it. Well, no great view from the highest pass in the U.S., but Leadville was a nice stop. As we headed to Weston Pass, a really big thunderstorm was right in our path, and followed us all the way to the top then vanished. We all headed back to camp, hungry for some free hotdogs and burgers put on by Warn. A great Country and Western band entertained us as we grubbed, and Harold Ogden of Warn handed out a winch to a lucky winner. Oh yes, I almost forgot, it didn’t rain that night!!
     The Hobo1 Jeepers had an excellent time in Fairplay this year. We look forward to ALL-4-FUN 2000 with John and Stephanie Flesner (of “Hey, Where the Fugowie” clan) in the Central City area next Year! If you went this year, you already know how much fun it was, if you didn’t………… don’t miss it next August 2000!
     On Saturday August 14th, Hobo Ken Kordes, and prospective Hobo (who had won “Top Hobo” at the 1st Annual Hobo Run) Chris Vieth (with wife Debbie), and I (with my always harnessed sidekick Molly), went up and over Red Cone Trail. I hadn’t been over Red Cone in along time, so I was excited to do it since I passed on it at All-4Fun. The trail starts off fairly easy, until more and more rocks slow you down and make the ride bumpier, and much more “jeepin-like”. Once out of the “power steering recommended” trees, you’re treated to a great view to the North of Mt Evans, and Twin Cone and South Park to the South-East. Ken’s power steering gearbox began to act up negotiating the trees, and needed tending to for the rest of the trail. The tundra trail is no walk-in-the-park, as you must negotiate steep loose hills to the top of the peak.
     Once there, the views are again spectacular. We then maneuvered down off the face one at a time. I with my hand-throttle in hand, and a foot lightly on the break, crawled down to the saddle. Ken made it look easy with ARB’s and really low gears. Chris, who had just bought his 94 Wrangler well-equipped, also came down like a pro, even with high gears. We stopped off the other side of Webster Pass to put back the logs put there to block the closed shortcuts. In fact, someone had just made fresh tracks (obviously in 2-wheel drive) because mounds of dirt were piled along their climb. It’s a shame a few have to ruin it for the masses. If you ever see this, be sure to get info on the vehicle and a license number and give it to the Forest Service. We then made it down to Montezuma, and back over Loveland Pass and home. Thanks Ken for the free air.
     Plans for September include: MOAB over Labor Day, WHEELER LAKE 2 TRAIL Sept 18th(day), ASPENCADES 99' with MHJC Sept 25th weekend (camp), and BILL MOORE LAKE Oct 2nd(day).

     Bill Hallinan

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