Red Cone and Webster Pass
On Saturday August 14th, Hobo Ken Kordes, and Chris Vieth (with wife Debbie), and I (with my always harnessed sidekick Molly), went up and over Red Cone Trail. I hadn't been over Red Cone in along time, so I was excited to do it since I passed on it at All-4Fun.
Hobo Ken maneuvers around the many trees just before treeline
The trail starts off fairly easy, until more and more rocks slow you down and make the ride bumpier, and much more "jeepin-like". Once out of the "power steering recommended" trees, you're treated to a great view to the North of Mt Evans, and Twin Cone and South Park to the South-East. Ken's power steering gearbox began to act up negotiating the trees, and needed tending to for the rest of the trail.
views of Mt. Evans and South Park abound
The tundra trail is no walk-in-the-park, as you must negotiate steep loose hills to the top of the peak. Once there, the views are again spectacular.
The trail up to the top of Red Cone
My sidekick Molly loves Jeeping, lots of birds and squirrels to see!
Top of Red Cone Peak 12,800'
We then maneuvered down off the face of 12,800' Red Cone one at a time. I with my hand-throttle in hand, and a foot lightly on the break, crawled down to the saddle.
Hobo Bill and Molly coming down the top of Red
Ken made it look easy with ARB's and really low gears. Chris, who had just bought his 94 Wrangler well-equipped, also came down like a pro, even with high gears.
Hobo Ken makes it look easy with crawling gears
"Top Hobo" Chris Vieth
climbs down off of Red Cone
We stopped off the other side of Webster Pass to put back the logs put there to block the closed shortcuts. In fact, someone had just made fresh tracks (obviously in 2-wheel drive) because mounds of dirt were piled along their climb. It's a shame a few have to ruin it for the masses. If you ever see this, be sure to get info on the vehicle and a license number and give it to the Forest Service. We then made it down to Montezuma, and back over Loveland Pass and home. Thanks Ken for the free air.
Here are some other Red Cone Trail Reports:
Red Cone Trail by Patrol 16 Dallas:
Big Horn Jeep Club Trip to Red Cone:
Red Cone Trail by Brad Lovell: