Click on some Santana, Top Gun, Bob Marley, Rocky, AC/DC, Mission Impossible,
Beach Boys, Axle's Theme, James Bond, Van Halen, or the Eagles while you browse this Mall Show report.
The 2002 event from 2001 Show |
It's Springtime again! That means one thing----its time for another MHJC Mall Show! Put on by the Mile-Hi Jeep Club for as long as I can remember (9th year?), this year was another great success! The Mall Show has always been at the Westminster Mall in Westminster, Colorado. The Mall let's us come in a show our rigs for the weekend, and chat with the public. It's a time to interact with the public, while displaying our rigs and a positive image about responsible 4Wheeling.
The MHJC booth had videos and members to answer Q's... |
Dennis & Marci Ervin's Toyota (Patrol 11-Cliff Hangers)... |
Larry Bracken's CJ7 (Patrol 12-Fugowies)... |
Over the weekend of March 22nd to 24th--2002, different MHJC members with some 21 different Jeeps, Toyotas, and a Ford attended! The show typically runs a few weeks into spring, as the many winter projects come out of hibernation for display. Some people had many paycheck put onto their rigs, while some spent just 20 minutes to wash and Armor All the tires. No rig had to be "show quality", but most cleaned up real nice.
Todd Frick's CJ8 (Patrol 11-Cliff Hangers)... |
Jerry Ross's CJ7 (Patrol 11-Cliff Hangers), and Jim Jacob's Willy's (Patrol 5-The 5x5's)... |
Kevin Carter's CJ8 "The Coffin" (Patrol 8-Eight Ball Jeepers)... |
This year, we had 3 Hobos attended the Mall Show. They were: Ken "The Toolman" Kordes (61 Ford-Ken's 2nd year), Paul "Weiszguy" Weisz (CJ7-Paul's 1st year), and myself (Bill "Hobo Willy" Hallinan-CJ7, my 6th year?). You know it's one thing to walk thru the Mall and shop, but it's pretty cool to drive your jeep! Shopping takes on a whole new meaning as you pass shops with your Jeep in the mall. They just needed a few big rocks or something to climb over to make it interesting. The highlight of your journey (well mine) is lookin' over an seeing one of the jewelry babes checkin' you out as you drive by (remember, I don't get out much).
Hobo Ken 'Toolman' Kordes... |
and his 1961 Ford... |
Hobo Bill 'Willy' Hallinan... |
and his 82' CJ7... |
Hobo Paul 'Weiszguy' Weisz... |
and his 86' CJ7...'Best of Show' |
New 350 purrs like a
kitten, and scares little girls in the mall... |
The MHJC was well represented at the Mall. As well as the HoboJeepers, there was Vinny Carillo (YJ) & Kirby Johnson from Patrol 2 (Rat Patrol), Jim & Betty Jacobs (Willy's) from Patrol 5 (The 5x5's), Kyle Johnson (CJ5), & Kevin Carter (CJ8) from Patrol 8 (Eight Ball Jeepers), Todd Frick (CJ8), Tim Vigil (YJ), Dennis & Marci Ervin (Yota), & Jerry Ross (CJ7) from Patrol 11 (Cliffhangers), Tom Allen (Yota), Glen Zaffree (YJ), Lavonne Brown (CJ7), & Larry Bracken (CJ7) from Patrol 12 (Fugowies), Dale Moser (Yota), Tom Hester (CJ7), & Neil McCorrison (Yota) from Patrol 14 (Alpine 14er's), and finally Keith Carter from Patrol 21 (Blackjack Jeepers).
Vinnie Carrillo's YJ-left (Patrol 2- Rat Patrol), & Kyle Johnson's CJ5 (Patrol 8-Eight Ball Jeepers)... |
Lavonne Brown's CJ7 (Patrol 12-Fugowies)... |
At 8:00pm on Friday- March 22nd, we all met in the North-East part of the Mall and got directions from Dennis and Marci Ervin on where to go in and where to setup when the Mall closed at 9pm. Wahooo! Just our luck it was warmer and drier then in past years going in. I remember one year, you had to dry off your rig once inside from the rainstorm.
Tom Vigil's YJ (Patrol 11-Cliff Hangers)... |
Dale Moser's Toyota- (Patrol 14-Alpine 14er 4Wheelers)... |
Kirby Johnson's YJ-left (Patrol 2- Rat Patrol), and Brandon Winchester Blue YJ (Patrol 4)... |
Glen Zaffree's YJ (Patrol 12-Fugowies)... |
Keith Carter (Patrol 21-BlackJack Jeepers)... |
Members of MHJC came by thru the weekend to answer questions and yes to shop! Then, on Sunday night- March 24th (about 6:30pm), we all came back (some were there all day), took down the chains/stands, and drove on out of the Mall (avoiding little kids along the way) into the rain/snow mix. 'Weisguy' just couldn't resist a few engine revs, while I had to play my siren (the Mall resonates the sound well). Then we got to drive home in some light snow, which seemed to mess up that 'show' look.
Tom Allen's Toyota (Patrol 12-Fugowies)... |
Nobody had any problems with vandalism or theft again this year, and everyone had a great weekend talking to the public about responsible 4Wheeling. A special HoboJeeper's "thanks" to Dennis and Marci Ervin (again!) for organizing the event, and the many other volunteers at the booth and on 'security', and in help to set up and take down. Thanks also to Ken 'Toolman' Kordes and Neil McCorrison (Patrol 14) for the digital photos.....................See ya next year!
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
See more photos of the Mall Show 2002 by Neil McCorrison
Event Report & Photos from Westminster Mall Show 2001
That's all folks!! |
Now that the Mall Show is over,
it's time to hit the trails and get these Jeeps dirty!!
(if not on the HoboJeepers Webpage)
(if already at the HoboJeepers Webpage)
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