Click on some Santana, Top Gun, Bob Marley, Rocky, AC/DC, Mission Impossible,
Beach Boys, Axle's Theme, James Bond, Van Halen, or the Eagles while you browse this Mall Show report.
Ken Kordes's 61' Ford F-100... |
If it's Springtime, that must mean one thing----its time for another MHJC Mall Show! Put on by the Mile-Hi Jeep Club for as long as I can remember, this year was another great success! The Mall Show has always been at the Westminster Mall in Westminster, Colorado. The Mall let's us come in a show our rigs for the weekend and chat with the public. It's a time to interact with the public, while displaying our rigs and a positive image about 4Wheeling.
The "Toolman" proudly displays his rejuvenated Ford for all to see... |
Chris Potter's 86' CJ7... |
The "Colonel" is lookin' good with his new Bestop flares just installed... |
Over the weekend of April 6th-8th, different MHJC members with 26 different Jeeps, Toyotas, a Dodge, and yes--even a Scout attended! The show typically runs a few weeks into spring, as the many winter projects come out of hibernation for display. Some people had many paycheck put onto their rigs, while some spent just 20 minutes to wash and Armor All the tires. No rig had to be "show quality", but most cleaned up real nice. Due to construction on the Mall last year MHJC was not able to hold the event.
Bill Hallinan's 82' CJ7... |
Hobo "Willy" showin' his CJ7 in his 5th Mall Show appearance... |
Steve Gilbert's 1997 TJ Sahara... |
This year, we had 5 Hobos attended the Mall Show. They were: Ken "The Toolman" Kordes (61 Ford), Steve "Moose" Gilbert (TJ), Chris "Colonel" Potter (CJ7), Chris "Curly" Vieth (YJ), and myself (Bill "Hobo Willy" Hallinan-CJ7). You know it's one thing to walk thru the Mall and shop, but it's pretty cool to drive your jeep! I've been on Battlement and tried to avoid kissing an Aspen with my fender before, but I've never had to avoid running over a planter box in the Mall. I swear I could just put one tire on it for an added look, but that was only a vision in my head.
"The Moose" lookin' mighty proud, while his rig does all the work... |
Chris Vieth's 94' YJ... |
Hobo "Curly" along side his newly painted YJ... |
The MHJC was well represented at the Mall. As well as the HoboJeepers, I saw members (I hope I don't miss someone) from Patrol 7 (Rainbow Chasers), Patrol 8 (Eightballers), Patrol 10 ("Hang-Ten" 4Wheelers), Patrol 11 (Cliffhangers), Patrol 12 (Fugowies), and Patrol 14 (Alpine 14er's).
Steve and Tracy Schuster of Patrol 10 just couldn't stop at one. Now they have a baby 2001TJ (only 340 miles) named "The Roadrunner" (Tracy's--to left), to run with the 1997TJ "The Marmot" (to the right) ... |
MHJC members near center-court talking about what else...Jeepin'!! |
This nice Dodge Ram towers over the Cinnabon store with it's size! |
At 8:15pm on Friday April 6th, we all met in the North-East part of the Mall and got directions from Dennis and Marci Ervin on where to go in and where to setup when the Mall closed. Members of MHJC came by thru the weekend to answer questions and yes to shop! Then, on Sunday night April 8th (about 6:30pm), we all came back (some were there all day), and took down the chains/stands and drove on out of the Mall (avoiding little kids along the way).
The Fugowies of Patrol 12--think big, and "well equipped"... |
Gene King of Patrol 7 says "It's a Toyota thing...Jeepers wouldn't understand", while he shows off his 91' Toyota 4Runner. |
Nobody had any problems with vandalism or theft, and everyone had a great weekend talking to the public about responsible 4Wheeling. A special HoboJeeper's "thanks" to Dennis and Marci Ervin for organizing the event, and the many other volunteers at the booth, to helping set up and take down. Thanks to Hobo Steve Gilbert for these nice digital photos!
While a nicely equipped XY is ready to hit the trail!! |
Now that the Mall Show is over,
it's time to hit the trails and get these Jeeps dirty!!
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
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