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Cool Air Photo of Poison Spider Trailhead (Zoom in or out, use Topo to see the trail) |
Trail map of Poison Spider to Gold Bar Rim Loop
On Sunday May 27th, we geared up for the long-awaited pre-warned "long" trail run to finish off a great long weekend at Moab. My Jeep, with 2 fresh bolts ("not guaranteed to hold") was ready for the long loop trip as I was. This day's trails are a combination of the previous days trails. With numerous rock ledges, obstacles, and slickrock, these trail have it all. Along for the day with Molly and I were: The "Mad Max's", The "White Moose and Moosette", Chris Potter and friends took the opportunity to do some sightseeing of Arches, Canyonlands, and the beautiful scenery around Moab.
Let's see, you are in Moab, you have your Jeep with ya, and your looking for about 10 hours to kill. Well, you've come to the right trail (trails)! At last year's Memorial Moab, we did the Poison Spider Mesa (4 rated) thru Golden Spike (4+) to Gold Bar Rim (3.5) trails with 6 Jeeps and it took us with no breakdowns 11 hours. This year with 4 Jeeps, we were able to keep moving and take a few more breaks from the heat and do it in 9+ hours!
Poison Spider offers excellent views of Moab and Spanish Valley... |
We did see 2 separate people running alone on this 18-mile trail, not a good idea. DO NOT RUN ALONE on this long trail! Too many things can happen, and you are to far in to hike out. Don't rely on your cell phone either, as we sometimes couldn't get out there. If you breakdown here, you are a few hours by jeep out either way, with numerous obstacles to limp over. Prepare for the worst and bring spare parts, water, fluids, sleeping bag, food, etc…
Ole' Man Pete at the trailhead prepares for the long anticipated day of Jeeping! |
At 9am, with ice (the Moose brought dry ice!) and water in hand, we left the pavement at the Poison Spider trailhead and made our way up the first switchbacks. Numerous small ledgy obstacles greet you up to the mesa. Easy to hard lines could be attempted depending on your mood. The weather was much nicer then the previous mornings as cloud cover keep the temps cool for a few hours. Once on the mesa and thru a small squeeze, we ran across the "Tie-Rod Flats" at 25mpg max in 5th gear 4-low (well, at least that's what I did). Then the sand ends and a fun loop hill climb just up from the creek bed awaits.
Here's Paul Weisz in 99', on one of the ledges at the beginning of Poison Spider,,,,We missed ya this year Paul! |
Heading up the sandy creek bed, we came across the 1st sets of obstacles one of which is named "The Waterfall" It's actually a set of ledges before it on a tight curve that are challenging. Then the waterfall is a 6-foot sloping wall to climb. Everyone climbed up nicely, with some taken a couple times to finally chirp up.
I (Hobo Willy) ascend the 'Waterfall' all smiles... |
Da 'Moosette hangs on as Steve runs his TJ up the 'Waterfall'... |
Then a series of FUN obstacles await, as one is called "The Wedgy". With everyone walking through, one could only lean back and get a quick snapshot of your buddy behind you. Through the "Whoop-ti-dos" (a series of high bank sandy turns), the flat easy mesa turns up the A/C as airflow is increased. We stopped at the grave marker where the Mesa was named. The story has it that a poison spider bit a little girl and died from it and was buried there. Someone had left a pocket full of change there for some odd reason. Sean could have used some of those quarters at the air station.
Sean climbs one of the many obstacles above the "Waterfall'... |
Trekking northeast, we came off the mesa to a sandy area and proceeded to play a few times in the sand. Saving some time, we headed north onto the Golden Spike Trail instead of heading over to the 'Little Arch'. Following the white spikes on the trail, and the faint black tire tracks, the trail was pretty easy to stay on. Following on slickrock heading north, we came across the "Launch Pad", which is a steep ramp that tests most carbs (of those who still have them!). Finding a side obstacle Sean, Steve and Scott were able to get some great tire lift photos!
The Little Arch we skipped from a previous trip... |
This small climb afforded some great wheel shots! |
Sean "Joker" Tallant get some major air even with 35's! |
"Mad Max" holds that thought... |
The 'White Moose' even shows some hoof... |
Onward thru the slick rock we reached the 'Skyline Drive', which is a long steep climb to some great 360-degree views of where we were and where we were going. Dropping down and to the right is the perfect lunch spot as everyone (even the Jeeps) was shaded for the break! After a cool lunch break, we headed up the 'Narrow Ravine' and some tight creek bed Jeepin'!
Molly's always looking for Moab lizards...even atop 'Skyline Drive' |
A great shade spot for lunch as the temps climb to 90+... |
Just ahead is a small deep tub, that when filled with water is pretty deep. Above that is a steep 1-2' ledge just above the creek we all negotiated with different lines. More obstacles up the ravine till we reached the white slickrock of Moab. Since we are heading north, and most if all the rocks and ledges run west to east, we encountered rock ledge after rock ledge. I've never counted them, but I'm pretty sure there are over 40 of them of all sizes. The bigger ones get your attention, as we stopped for photo opps on them.
My axles look all bent up in this deep tub, that's some wheel travel... |
Scott takes the harder line to the left and gets up just fine... |
Steve makes it up a similar line... |
This loop trail really gets you in the 'boonies'! |
Finally, our 1st view looking down on Hwy 191 and the long line of tourist waiting to get into Arches National Park across the valley. At this point in the trip we were about 5 hours in, and not the place to "have problems". The weather also turned a lot warmer as the clouds disappeared.
Nice views of Arches National Park and Moab... |
My 82 CJ7 coming of a nice 3-4' drop! Oh Yeaaa!! |
Steve's 97 Sahara TJ... |
Sean's 99 TJ... |
The Maxwell's 99TJ... |
'One of the many, many, many ledges of the day... |
Now heading along the rim's edge we traversed more rock ledges and obstacles until we finally reached the infamous "Golden Crack". Or as Scott's son Pete would say, "Moab's Buttcrack". There were some guys in rental Jeeps there crossing the crack, I guess they must of signed the damage waiver.
Hey look another ledge obstacle!!! |
The Hobos wait for their chance to 'cross the crack'... |
One by one, the Hobos crossed the Crack with some articulation and a few bumper scrapes (that's what they are for right?). First-timers to the Crack Sean and Steve walked thru looking like pros. It seems every time I do the Crack, I tend to take the high line, because my right front seems to always catch major air! Once through, Sean and Scott contemplated how to straddle the Crack, but opted for more slick rock obstacles ahead waiting for us.
Scott and kids enjoy the ride... | Opposite angle on Scott and the fleaxation! |
Sean's looking good over the 'crack'... | Then coming out just as clean... |
Steve 'White Moose' Gilbert with some wheel flex ... |
I seem to always get some wheel height here... |
More obstacles like the 'Golden Stairs', which are a series of rock ledges in which CJ7's hit both tires at the same time. After a few tries I was able to climb up. The TJ's behind me also made it up some with different lines taken. Near 'Double Whammy', a stock TJ had broken his rear spline, and had to take it easy the way out thru Gold Bar Rim.
More ledge obstacles, so many have names, I've lost track... |
This set of steep ledges was on smile at a time... |
This may have been 'Golden Stairs', they all blur together after hour 7... |
Finally, after 7 hours, we reached the beginning of Gold Bar Rim Trail. Ready for some smooth trails, all we encountered were more rock ledges and obstacles. Around the Gold Bar Canyon, the trail comes within a few feet of a good 400' drop. Not the kind of turn you want to take at night (stay right!).
Gold Bar Canyon is a nice backdrop for the La Sals... |
Another 7 or so miles later we reached the sandy bottom and the easy way out past the 'Gooney Bird Rock'. Once in 2WD, we raced down the sandy washes and headed north to below the main mesa that leads out down the cliff side down to Hwy 191 and the welcome pavement!
Another must-do-trail! Go with some buddies, be prepared with the right supplies, and enjoy a full day of true "remote" Jeepin' over ledges and slickrock. Do the whole loop in one day, it's the best day of Jeeping you will have all year! Once back at camp, no night runs were planned. We all sat back and relished the day, while trying to remember the many obstacles and challenges throughout the day! Even the young "Kids", and even the 'Moose" were a bit worn out, but that didn't stop them from the smore party at 10pm!
"The end of the trail, and the end to a 'Memorable' Memorial weekend in Moab with great friends and fun trails!!! "
"Got Moab???"
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
Here are some other Poison to Gold Bar Rim Loop Trip reports:
Hobo 2000 Poison Spider/Golden Spike/ Gold Bar Rim Trip
Hobo 1999 Poison Spider/Golden Spike/ Gold Bar Rim Trip
Off-Road.Com EJS 98’ Poison Spider Trail:
Rockcrawler.Com’s Poison
Spider/Gold Bar Rim Trail Reports:
Voight’s Golden Spike Trail Report:
Golden Spike Trail by 4x4.Com:
Poison Spider Mesa Trail by Flatlander:
Gold Bar Rim by Flatlander: