Click on an Irish tune while you browse this report.
All week before the parade, weather forecasters predicted cold and snow for Saturday (another March blizzard?!). Just as Saturday rolled around though, the sun was out and the weather was nice and warm for a mid-March day. 4-Hobos (Patrol 1), and 2-Rock Frogs (Patrol 9) all from the Mile-Hi Jeep Club, were in the 42nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade thru Lo-Do in Denver. This year's parade theme was 'Blarney on Blake Street'. MHJC Hobos wearin' the green in the parade were: Patrol Leader Paul 'WeiszGuy' Weisz (CJ7) with son Brett, myself Bill 'Hobo Willy' Hallinan (CJ7), Jed 'Clampett' McClelland (CJ7), & his wife Diane and son Mike, & Mark ‘ Fife’ Fisher (TJ) & his daughter Katlyn. MHJC members from Patrol 9-Rock Frogs included Matt Carson (CJ8), and Troy Anthill & son (TJ).
We all met at my house at 7:30am to leave at 7:45am to head to Lo-Do. Matt towed his Scrambler down from Conifer and unloaded for the short trip to the Coors Field parking staging area. It seemed strange to be heading downtown instead of to the mountains, but all in due time. All 6 rigs headed on the freeway to our staging area by 8:30am.
Looking SW in the staging area of the north Coors parking lot, soon we were surrounded by other early entries getting ready to go.… |
Looking NW-Waiting, and ready.… |
Once we arrived we 'quickly' decorated our Jeeps for the parade, we took our time knowing we still had an hour to wait for the start. Nothing like last year’s 3 hour wait!! I was able to get us near the front of the parade (from near dead last year). Soon, there we were surrounded by Irish & Scottish bagpipes, and people all dressed up in all kinds of green outfits you would hope they only wear once a year. Everyone around us had the same time to kill.
Last minute 'placin-of-da-green'.… |
Jed's ready to go with his green grass skirt.… |
Katyln was also ready (she had a cute piece on the TV as they drove by with her waving).… |
It's almost time! |
Soon, it was 10:00am and you could see the front of the line moving. At about 10:20am we were off!! We turned on Blake Street out of the staging area and started non-stop smiling and waving! Then some cowboys on horseback lead some longhorn steer behind us, I had never seen that before! Wahooo!........On we go in the parade!
The Hobos & MHJC down Blake St.… |
Paul (left), & Matt (right) lead the way and entertain the crowd... |
This was the 2nd year for the parade route to Lo-Do from downtown. I hear the police recommended it probably because it was easier to manage. The bars liked it too. I would have preferred downtown myself. The parade start was at 27th and Blake, down to 17th, right to Union Station and back to the parking lot. Seemed really short in length. Thanks to Brett Weisz and Mike McClelland for walking ahead of us with the Hobo banner.
With Jed (left) and myself (right) in the middle just wave alot… |
With Troy (left), & Mark (right) bring up the rear, as loose steer stay close behind them (maybe our fumes subduded them) |
Once we finally got started, and into more crowds further south, it was pretty fun. Everyone waved back as we all waved to the crowd. All I saw were positive attitudes from everyone on the street. I hope it reflected the same about MHJC. Paul and Matt entertained the crowds upfront with some mini burnouts, while just behind us, their attention turned to the 10 loose steer walking behind Troy and Mark’s Jeeps. I was amazed the steer didn’t step on or gore any little kids sitting along the route!
We made our way to the viewing area at the SE corner of Coors Field. Channel 2 (WB2) had planned on televising the parade from 11am-1pm. This year, we just barely got on at the very start of the broadcast (last year we didn’t begin the parade until 1:00 p.m. and they had already finished broadcasting). As I taped it this year, we were the 2nd entry shown. They mentioned the MHJC, talked about the good things we do, and said that are always looking for new members. The crowds were thicker on Wynkoop to Union Station, as it seemed there were a lot more people than last year too! Then as soon as we started, it was over. We headed behind Coors Field back to the staging area to un-decorate.
Brett Weisz & Mike McClelland hold the Hobo banner as we turn on Wynkoop… |
The crowds were thicker here, as Paul and Matt put on a show... |
As the rest of us smiled and waved... |
with steer close behind. |
Though fairly short, running in the parade was still a lot of fun and well worth it (to see and be in!). We hope to run next year too (our 3rd year!), it was nice being near the front this year. The weather was nice, the crowds bigger, a good time had by all. We may also join in on some other parades this year, and hopefully project more positive PR for MHJC.
Group photo after the parade: (from left to right) Mike McClelland, Mark Fisher, Troy Anthill, Matt Carson, Jed & Diane McClelland, Brett Weisz, Paul Weisz, & Bill Hallinan.
Great time had by all---Happy St. Patty's Day!! |
"Jeep, Jeep,"
See ya on the trail,
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
*Thanks to Diane M., and John for the photos...
Here are some other links on the Parade:
*Official 2004 St. Patrick's Day Parade Website
*Another St. Patrick's Day Parade Website
*2004 St. Patrick's Day Parade Entertainment Denver Website
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