Hey fellow jeeper, Welcome!! Have you come to see some jeepin' pics? Well, you've come to the right place. The theater has just opened it's doors. Eugene the Jeep has assembled some short slide shows of some of our recent Hobo trips for your jeepin' enjoyment. For trail reports check out the Hobo Outings page. Just a few things first, the slide shows requires your browser to be java enabled. To view a feature slide show, just hover over the link or photo and click, then maximize the window. The slide show may be slow to load at first, or be longer or shorter in time, depending on your speed and computer setup (not recommended for slow ones). The volume of the sound is controlled on your speakers. The show is also in a loop, so after it's over, you can click on the X on the upper right hand corner of your screen (to cancel page), and return to this page for another feature. New features will be added as more trips are run. So, grab some buttered popcorn and a cool one, sit back and enjoy the shows! "Jeep, Jeep"!
NOTE: 3-26-00: I tried a few slide shows and some are not working right.
It works ok in IE 5.0. I haven't changed anything on them, I think it's our server, or AOL 5.0.
If you have AOL 5.0, and it doesn't work right email me please.
With AOL 8.0, it seems to work on mine! I am in the process of creating
slide shows with recent trips, stay tuned!
Trail difficulty is indicated by the following icons:
Current Features
More shows coming soon!!
(15 photos, ~3 min.)
(10 photos, ~3 min.)
(11 photos, ~4.5 min.)
(10 photos, ~3 min.)
(26 photos, ~5 min.)
(17 photos, ~6.5 min.)
Moab 99'
(15 photos, ~5 min.)
(27 photos, ~5 min.)