Click on Santana, Top Gun, Bob Marley, Rocky, AC/DC, Mission Impossible,
Beach Boys, Axle's Theme, James Bond, Van Halen, or the Eagles while you browse this report...
Only being able to run two trails for the week, I decided to tailgun for Brian and Margi Hoag (retired Fugowies) to help with directions to Miner's/Pickle Gulch. The turns are many and hard to remember. At 8:30 sharp, Brian led us north of camp. The list of wheelers was long, as about 28 were ahead of me. Names I knew were friends from Clemson 4Wheel Drive, Frenche 'The Pirate', Bob & Virve, and Allen Merritt to take photos and do a magazine write-up on All-4-Fun. I never got a list from Brian, so I don't remember names, but I do remember where some were from. Arizona, Nebraska, Illinois, and South Carolina were represented.
Staged and ready to hit the trails... |
We got stuck in some construction in gambling Blackhawk (site of All-4-Fun 2000)... |
We organized just outside Central City and aired down (those who were no yet). Brian then led us up past the Pickle Gulch Campground (literally). At the Pickle Gulch trailhead, we locked in and started up. The trail head for the Pickle Gulch Trail was just a hundred yards from camp so the wheelin' started right away. It's a fairly easy trail, but tight enough to warrant your attention. The willows and trees reach out for your vehicle, as they let you pass with a light rub. Wider vehicles got the full rub. Up a few hundred yards is the one obstacle Pick Gulch has. It's a granite rock with 2 small ledges to climb up and over. There is an easier line to the left and a harder one to the right. We all took turns going up and over it.
Frenchie makes it over the obstacle on Pickle Gulch... |
My Jeepin-Sidekick Molly enjoying the ride, always welcome in my Jeep-- a rare look at me, other then outside looking for squirrels... |
Above Pickle Gulch is tight tree-lined... |
Climbing up Pickle Gulch, we passed many beautiful groves of aspens that are at there peak in late September. We hit many nice meadows of flowers passing cabins too. We reached the ridgeline, and back into the evergreens. Brian took a left at the major intersection back down a small gulch to Apex road. He had problems with his fuel pump fuse off and on. Also, one rig had an engine mount go loose on him. Brian decided to take the guy and himself back to camp to get fixed and not hold up the group. I gladly too up trip leader for Miner's since I had done it many times before. We headed up past the ghost town of APex and the county road becomes quite rough and wide for a county road as we wide on up to Elk Park. We stopped to regroup and have lunch (since the winds were friendly) at the intersection of the Tolland road.
Great wheelers at the lunch spot, with James Peak off to the West.... |
Molly looks off to the north and the Front Range, before we head down to Miner's Gulch trailhead... |
With our tummies full, and visions a of fun steep rocky tight jeep trail, we headed down (FR505) towards the Miner's Gulch trailhead (FR709.1). Miner's Gulch is a trail I stumbled on in 2000 at All-4-Fun in Central City, and ended up leading 3 trips up and down it. I named it Miner's Gulch, for the gulch has the same name on a topo map. Please, if you do this trail---PLEASE TAKE CARE OF IT. As always in the past as Trip Leader up Miner's, I guaranteed a 'fun ride' up the gulch, by refunding your gas thru it if you were not satisfied. I don't remember anyone asking for one, just smiling when we finished...
After crossing North Clear Creek, begins the Miner's Gulch Trail (photo in 2000)... |
Near the base of the Miner's Gulch 'rock garden' (photo in 2000)... |
Ok kiddeeees---------Get in, strap down the cooler, kids and dogs, and have them get ready for some real fun! Miner's is a short section that takes you all the way up to the ridgeline road (FR175.3) that then goes on to Yankee Hill to the west or Central City to the east. It's steep, tight, and not maintained. Good-sized rocks and boulders along with water and logs tickle your jeeping senses all they way up.
A lower challenge I tried during Aspencades (photo in 2003)... |
Miner's Gulch runs down the trail with boulders for a short section... |
Halfway thru, the area opens up to afford a break if you need one. The trail still dishes out some decent rocky sections as you keep climbing up out of the gulch. After winding around trees, we finally reached to ridgeline (& FR175.3). As it was still early, we headed West towards Yankee Hill and a different way back to camp (extra tour was free).
The rock garden affords a good challenge... |
as some got pretty well stuck! |
Break after the rock garden... |
We climbed Yankee Hill and parked on the saddle all looking back down towards Denver at 11,200'. You could see I-70 off in the distance and the city. We didn't stay too long as a gusty rain storm was bearing down on us from the West. Once down Yankee Hill, we headed due South down Cumberland Gulch (straight up on Yankee Hill photo below). Cumberland is a steep and tight trail that has it's fair share of rocks too..
Looking down Yankee Hill to the south... |
Heading down Chamberlain Gulch... |
One by one we all made it to the Fall River Road. Taking this road SE, you will come across I-70 and West back to Georgetown and base camp. A fun day with some great people. Once in camp, after a good meal, the very popular (you should of seem the line!) Bestop Ice Cream Social was at 7pm under the big top. Great ice cream and 'mingling' was in tall order. Thanks to BESTOP for their continued support of this event and night!
The ice cream was in big demand... |
as volunteer servers dished it out. |
"See ya on the trail"
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
Other HoboJeeper Pickle/Miner's Gulch Trip Reports:
Gulch/ Miner's Gulch 2003-HoboJeepers
Miner's Gulch
'Nite Run' 2003-HoboJeepers
Miner's Gulch
'Nite Run' 2002-HoboJeepers
Miner's Gulch
'Nite Run' 2001-HoboJeepers
Gulch/ Miner's Gulch 2000-HoboJeepers
Gulch/Kingston Peak Trails All-4-Fun 2000-HoboJeepers
Peak/Yankee Hill/Miner's Gulch All-4-Fun 2000-HoboJeepers
Other All-4-Fun 2004 Trip Reports
Tue: Pickle Gulch/Miner's Gulch Trails Wed: Vendor's Day Thur: Argentine Pass Trail
(c) Copyright 2004 MHJC Patrol One
Jeep is a registered trademark of Daimler Chrysler Corporation