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Twin Cone Map and directions provided by |
After a challenging, exciting day running Red Cone and Radical Hill, the Hobos awoke bright and early Sunday morning on August 12th, 2001. Actually, we would have slept in a little later, but the Boy Scouts in the next campsite decided to break camp at 6:00am. The sounds of aluminum tent poles clanking served as our alarm clock.
Colorado State Associations "Adopt-A-Road" programs keeps trails like Twin Cone maintained and open. This trail is adopted by the Colorado Go-4-er's. |
Once we'd had our breakfast (and Molly had finished off the remains of last night's beef stew), we started for the trailhead. In attendance were Sean Tallant (TJ), Bobbette "Smiley" Matthews (TJ) with a full Jeep (son Michael in the backseat with Molly the wonderdog, and Bill "Hobo Willy" Hallinan as co-pilot), and myself (Drewby Dooby Doo) (TJ) leading the way.
The trail starts with some small rocky sections thru groves of aspens... |
Leaving from our campsite on the east side of Kenosha Pass, we turned left up the Twin Cone road and quickly came to the first gate. At this point the road goes through private property. We were careful to close both this gate and the next after ourselves, respecting the property-owners' wishes. The first part of the trail wasn't difficult, but views of aspen groves and beaver ponds made for a pleasant ride. This trail must be breath taking in the fall when the aspens change color!
Great view from right off the road looking south-west... |
About 5 1/2 miles into the trip, the road turns to the left at the Colorado Go-4's Adopt-a-Trail sign. The going gets a little tougher here, with some small obstacles to crawl over. This was just a taste of what was to come. A few miles later, the trail became rutted and much more difficult. With careful tire-placement and excellent spotting, we all made it past two rocky, technical sections. Then we came to a steep rocky section. The tricky part was to navigate through the rocks without getting too off-camber. After a few attempts, we found the right line and continued up above tree-line.
Drew takes on the 1st obstacle... | Sean takes the far left line and gets high-centered... |
So he stays left and eases on over... |
Bobbette going thru the 2nd obstacle nice and easy... | This one has a bypass, as it is somewhat tricky... |
Sean takes the far left line... |
This steep and loose rocky slope is a challenge... | Drew makes it around the big rock halfway up... |
Left is the trail, rocky and steep, though some have gone off trail in the tundra (stay on the main trail please!! |
Several more loose steep stretches awaited us on the tundra. Since this is a very fragile environment, the Hobos stopped to block off an impromptu bypass on the tundra. We then continued up the slope, finally gaining the summit. The 360-degree views were a stunning backdrop for our lunch stop. In one direction, the vast plateau of South Park stretched to the horizon.
The top of North Twin Cone peak looking southwest... |
Coming back down thru the rock chute... |
In the opposite direction, we could see Red Cone and the trail that we had conquered just a day before. Then it was time to go back down, which proved to be a little easier than the uphill journey. After a stop to take pictures from a towering cliff, we headed back to our campsite. Another great day of Jeeping in Colorado!
Bobbette coming down thru the 1st obstacle again... |
Drew "Drewby" Middleton HoboJeepers
Here are some other Twin Cone Peak Reports:
Twin Cone Peak Trail Report and Map by Scott Brayshaw of
Twin Cone Peak Trail 00'-HoboJeepers
Twin Cone Peak Trail 99'-HoboJeepers
Twin Cone Trail Photos-Source unknown
Twin Cone Trail Photos-by TJJeeper (on the same day as our trip)