On Monday July 31st, begins with the traditional line-up at the staging area. If you were lined up at (9:30am on staging line C, you were going to run the Eldorado Mountain/Caribou Flats Trails ("North and Left" on trip board) just north of Eldora that day. I led some 13 jeeps out of the staging area at 9:30, along with myself (and my jeepin-side kick Molly), was Bobbette Matthews (who owns a 2000TJ) and helped me with directions, as I had never done the trail before.
The start of the trail up from Eldora follows up Eldorado Mountain... |
Jeepers for the day included Dick Dillon-Commando(CO), Scott Dillon-CJ5(CO), David Guthrie-Cherokee(IND), Scott Marshall-CJ7(OR), Chuck Wilcox-Bronco(OR), Ollie Rigdon-CJ7-"Sourdough"(OR), Shaun Hathaway-XJ(UT), Brandon Winchester-YJ(CO), Cory Moul-Toyota Pickup(CO), Gary Moul (All-4-Fun 2001 Chairman)-Mazda B2000 pickup(CO), Tom Mathews-Cherokee(FL), Grant Goble-Bronco(CO), and Ashley Goble-CJ7(CO).
The trail is tight and shelf-like on up to this off-camber obstacle... |
We headed up Hwy 199 north out of Central City on up to the small town of Eldora. I missed the trail entrance, so here are some directions. Once you get to Eldora stay straight and take the dirt road to the Hotel and turn right. Take another right and take a small road between a house and a garage (Yes, that's a public road). Your there, that is the start of FS 505, which will be your friend for the rest of the trip. Put it in 4WD, cause your wheelin' right at the trailhead.
I took the right line and eased on up the small ledge... |
Right away the road is ATV size, with tree/bush limbs overhanging into the road. On your right is a drop off, and your left is a steep hill. We worked our way along the shelf road to a small off-camber obstacle. Too far to the right and you will encounter some brush downhill. I thought that was the "obstacle people were talking about, well I was wrong. Just up the road was the "obstacle". With only 14 vehicles, it still took us over an hour to pass thru it. I took the far right line, and come to find out, the best line is far left.
This Cherokee got to far right--and the rock stacking began... |
We had a few tense moments with a CJ7 too far right, but after moving over it made it thru. Gary Moul's B2000 truck was a different story. Trying the right line, he couldn't climb the small ledge rock being stock, and got sideways to far to the right. We got a come-a-long and move him over 3 feet, then pulled him up over the small ledge. After some more rock stacking, we all made it thru safely.
Gary Moul's B2000 needed to be coaxed over 3 feet with a come-a-long, to avoid sliding off the hill-side... |
The trail runs up the side of Eldorado Mountain until you level off at about 9,600' into some dense trees. Not knowing where to have lunch, and it was past 1pm; we stopped in the trees for lunch. Just a mile up the road, the trees fade away, and some great views of the Front Range can be seen. We stopped at a saddle near Klondike Mountain for a group photo. With all the fires going on in the West, it seemed a bit hazy then I've seen in the past, but scenic none the less.
We stopped at the saddle just off Klondike Mountain... |
Heading north, and staying on FS 505, the trail runs thru the ghost town site of Caribou. A county road to the East will take you down thru Cardinal. The trail is easy from here, with the occasional rock or two. Soon we met up with FS road 298, and back on 2WD dirt till the restrooms trailhead down near Hwy 119. It was another great day of jeepin' at All-4-Fun 2000. No breakdowns, or lost of jeeps or trucks off the hillside. Just a few battle scars on some, but overall a big smile for a fun day.
Great jeepers make for a great day of jeepin'... |
Though Scott Marshall of Portland, Oregon, did lose his u-joint on Hwy 119 up a switchback heading back to camp. He took of the drive shaft and ran back to camp in front-wheel drive. Rob at Fort Collins 4x4 fixed him right up the next day. We all got gas in Nederland, and headed back to camp for the Land Use Meeting or the Poker Run in Central City.
We crossed Caribou Creek near the end of the trail... |
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
Other All-4-Fun Trip Reports
Sun: Middle St. Vrain/Coney Flats Mon: Eldorado Mountain/Caribou Flats Tue: Kingston Peak/Yankee Hill/North Clear Creek
Wed: Manufacture Day Thur: North Clear Creek/Kingston Peak/Yankee Hill Fri: Jenny Creek/North Clear Creek