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On Sunday May 6th 2001, Fellow OHV users banded together to volunteer some free time and back muscles to attend the 2001 Left Hand OHV Cleanup NW of Boulder. Every year the TrailRidge Runners out of Fort Collins organize this well run event. From having trucks run up and down the canyon hauling trash out, to the many people cleaning up, just a little was given back. Last year's 2000 Left Hand Cleanup was also a success, if just for a day...
Gettin' right down to work, and making a difference... |
Given the unpredictable Colorado weather we have, the end of the working week included rains and snows in the mountains. Even the Saturday before, the weather was cold and gloomy in Denver. I even called around to see if the event was cancelled, I'm glad they didn't because the sun was out Sunday morning and the snow melted in the sun. The HoboJeepers met at the Denny's in Boulder at 8:30am and headed for Left Hand.
Many OHV organizations throughout the Front Range were in attendance. These included The Northern Colorado Trail Riders, Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit, some Eightballer's of Patrol 8-MHJC, HoboJeepers of Patrol 1-MHJC, Gene King of Patrol 7-MHJC, Trailridge Runners 4WD Club, Big Thompson Four Wheelers, Hillbillies 4WD Club, and the Colorado Go 4's 4WD Club.
Steve Gilbert and Jason Brew don't have to look very far for trash, it's everywhere!! |
A special "Thanks" from myself to the following 7 of 9 current Hobos in attendance at the 2001 Left Hand Cleanup: Bobbette "Smiley" Mathews (and son Thomas), Scott "Mad Max" and Janet Maxwell (and sons Tom and Pete), Paul "Weiszguy" Weisz (and son Brett), Chris "Curly" and Debi Vieth, Steve "Moose" Gilbert, Chris "Colonel" Potter, myself (Bill "Hobo Willy" Hallinan), and prospective Hobos Jason Brew, Mark Gilbertson, and Drew Middleton! I appreciate you all taking out your Sunday morning, and either adopting a fun jeep trail, or picking up trash from irresponsible shooters, thanks for helping keep our sport alive.
Picking up the trash was a "no-brainer". Just bend down in one place, scoop a big blob of trash into your bag, the do it in a 360-degree radius, then move 2 feet. Everything conceivable you could think of that a shooter would want to shoot is there for the pickin's. I never knew you could shoot so many things. I always thought that shooting bad apples or watermelons was a cool thing, but seems now everything has to be manmade.
Bag after bag of muck was shoveled in, then transferred to waiting stations to be trucked down to the "big dumpster" on the highway. Spent shells scattered everywhere where even picked up. The rule was "If it's not natural, it's trash".
The very much improved 95% trash-free area, what a difference! |
Even the small creek was flowing free of trash...this is what it's all about, who said we don't care about the environment!!! |
The volunteers worked till about 11:00am, and the canyon was converted (if just for a day) back to a more natural setting. The small creek that runs down the canyon was much cleaner and flowed freely without all the trash in the way. At 11:00, the TrailRidge Runners cooked up some hot dogs and served lunch to everyone. The Hobos made plans for a run up Gillespie Gulch at 11:30pm.
Upper Left Hand Canyon...looking SE |
2001 Lefthand Cleanup--117 people + 3 hours time = a 90% trash-free canyon! It's a shame the canyon will not stay this way. In less then a week, the trash will pile back up, shooters will be back to haul anything from action figures to home computers up in their vehicle, set it out, shoot it, and leave it. They leave it, til the next time responsible caretakers of public land get tired of driving by and looking at it. If you see trash on the trail, stop to pick it up.
Please pack out your trash, anywhere, anytime!
The Arapaho National Forest Ranger was in attendance thanking us for helping, and discussed plans for revitalization of the Left Hand OHV for multiple use, and conservation. A grant for $230,000 has been approved for improvements to roads, road network implementation, and many other programs to keep the Left Hand OHV "our place to play".
Thanks to the many volunteers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
After having some food and drink, the HoboJeepers got the itch (no-not that itch--geeeezzz), the itch to Jeep! Question: What do you do when you are so close to a jeep trail with good friends and your jeep? Go Jeepin of course!!
We had 7 jeeps who wanted "to play", so went on up the soon to be snowy Gillespie Gulch just outside of Jamestown. The Hobos ready for some snow were Bobbette "Smiley" Mathews and son Thomas (TJ), Steve "Moose" Gilbert (TJ), Chris "Colonel" Potter (CJ), myself ("Hobo Willy"-CJ) with passenger Paul "Weiszguy" Weisz (look for his "new and improved" CJ to see trails soon!), and new prospective Hobos Jason Brew (XJ), Mark Gilbertson (CJ), and Drew Middleton (TJ).
Hummm,,,,,looks like just a little snow ahead... |
As the trail rises up the north-facing slopes starting about 8200', it seems it would not let go of its winter snow easily, as it got up to a foot or more the higher we went. Climbing higher and higher, the snow starts just under the trees to deeper 3 foot drifts on the trail. We were lucky in the fact we had another group of 3 jeeps ahead of us, who in the morning had snow busted they way for us.
Jason's XJ runs thru the snow ruts open, and has no problems. These photos don't show the true steepness |
Bobbette and her yellow TJ runnin up the snow ruts... |
The snow was easily up to 2-3 feet in places, and the differentials were acting as snowplows. Steeper grades became a new challenge to maintain momentum and keep chugging forward. The open vehicles had more of a challenge, but drove on thru, and keep coming uphill. We reached "the end of the line", as we came upon the "snow busters" ahead of us. They were cooling off, and taking a break. Though the spot they were stopped at was the base of a steep rock hill climb.
Though the trail was broke for us, snow ruts a good 2 feet were still a challenge uphill... |
Mark Gilbertson's CJ makin' it up with ease, even with a bent front driveshaft... |
Chris "Colonel" Potter's CJ loves the snow, with the 33x10.5 BFG TA's... |
We opted to turn around since there were many more steep drifts ahead. But, before we went back down, we took turns (myself 1st) on busting the steep grade. Since I just did my CV-joint conversion, I though I'd try my hand at it and made it halfway. Jason (XJ) then moved the ruts to near the top, where the "Colonel" Potter (CJ) took over to the top. He said "the trail gets deeper up here", so we all proceeded down our tracks.
We tackled this small hill, then turned around...too much snow, too little time... |
The end of the road, at least for Gillespie Gulch... |
I took a side trail off Gillespie Gulch that runs across a snow free south facing slope over to a mine at the saddle. Along the way, we encountered a good-sized tree lying across the trail. We managed to wrangle the tree off the trail and on up to the mine. After a break, we headed back down to the highway and re-organized. Most of us got air back in Boulder, and headed home.
Here are some excerpts of the day on the Hobo Café:
Steve "Moose" Gilbert: Well, cleaning the Lefthand Canyon went well today, and the weather turned out to be great. I actually think I got some sunburn! The trip afterwards was a little snowy but we had a great turnout and it was great to jeep with some new people and possibly future hobos. Thanks for a great day guys!
Chris "Colonel" Potter: Enjoyed the day, our trip later was fun! Had a nice group of people and it was great to see Paul again! It's been awhile since I have been in that much snow on the trail…and calling it quits when we did was a good decision. Hope to see you next weekend at Miner's Gulch if I don't get roped in to planting flowers with Ms.
Paul "WeiszGuy" Weisz: Hey all, Brett, and I had a great time Sunday. It was really good to be with my Hobo buds again, to help with the cleanup, and do some wheelin. I'm in a big rush now to get my seven back on the road. Also, thanks for letting myself & Brett ride with you guys. I'm really missing froading with you all!
It was great day of giving back, a great day of jeepin', and nice way to meet our newest Prospective Hobos on the trail. We look forward to jeepin', and getting to know ya'.
Bill Hallinan HOBOJEEPERS of MHJC out of Denver, Colorado...
Here are some other Left Hand Canyon Trip Reports:
2000 Left Hand Clean up-Trail Ridge Runner 4x4 Club
2000 Left Hand Clean up/ Castle Gulch Trail- Hobo Trip
Left Hand Canyon- Hobo Trip in Jan 2000: Slide Show
Gillespie/ Left Hand- Hobo Trip in March 2000
"Jeep, Jeep"
(c) Copyright 1999,2000,2001 MHJC Patrol One
Jeep is a registered trademark of DaimlerChrysler Corporation