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Airing down next to Left Hand Creek on a cool "Spring" foggy morning... |
"The first run of the year finally. The weather was great for a day out and to be wheeling..."
On Sunday March 18th, 2001-- MHJC"s Patrol 1 HoboJeepers make a run up Castle Gulch to Fairview Peak for lunch and a view of the Front Range. The trip began with breakfast at IHOP in Lakewood, Colorado, and the beautiful drive through the wonderful City of Boulder and beyond.
Airing down and disconnecting for another Colorado jeep trip!! |
The trail was covered with 3 may be 4 inches of snow, which made for lots of fun. Jeff in his Holly Carbureted V8 "CJ" started having trouble at the very start, ya gatta love those Holly's in the mountains. Taking the trail slow and easy with lots of slick spots, brought use to the first rock chute. Not a bad climb and fun, even with a little snow.
The light snow gets slick if you stop on any steep section... |
Ken and his 61 Ford leads on up the steep snowy section... |
Lots of boulder-sized rocks to climb up and slide on. The second chute was a little more difficult for those with out lockers, but all made the climb with little trouble and encouragement from all. Each took similar but different lines thru the lower rock chute. Driver skill prevailed the challenges of the open jeepers.
The lower rock chute...with snow and rocks! |
Hobo Bill negotiates the lower rock chute with ease and a smile... |
and eases on up the chute... |
Colonel Potter and Son making it look easy... |
Chris Vieth is taking in the scenery as he enjoys the snow and trail... |
Jeff working his way through the rocks and snow, taking a little different line. Nice Job.. |
Scott Maxwell's TJ showing us how it's done... |
Hobo "Mad Max" out for a "Sunday Stroll" in auto... |
The upper rock chute is a bit steeper, and with the snow it was quick slick. Smaller rocks were cushioned by the snow, so a dry run up this chute would offer one a bit of a bumpy ride.
Bobbette in her "smiley" TJ makes her way up the second chute... |
The second chute affords more rocks, and a steeper climb... |
Hobo Toolman headed up the hill... |
Bobbette shows off some flex, while the rest of the group close behind... |
The trail leveled out at the ridge and turned north to the final stop at Fairview Peak and lunch with a view. After lunch, a leisurely trip back down Castle Gulch and thru the same rock chutes brought us to the end of another superb day of wheeling. Most of the snow at the bottom was melted in the afternoon.
We stop for some grub and some awesome views... |
Lunch at Fairview Peak ... |
Views off to the East looking off into the plains...and Kansas :) |
The rock chutes are just as much fun going down as they are going up!! |
The "Toolman" crawls down the slippery chute... |
Bobbette in the sunshine smile mobile trying out those new mods, way to GO Bobbette!!!!!. |
Those in attendance and being of excellent company, were Chris "Colonel" Potter and son Jason with his CJ, Chris "Curly" Vieth and friends in his YJ, Bill "Hobo Willy" Hallinan and his side kick Molly in their CJ, Bobbette Mathews and children in their Yellow TJ, Scott "Mad Max" Maxwell with the Mad Max mobile (TJ) and myself Ken "Toolman" Kordes in the 61 Ford F100. Guests included Jeff?????? with a real nice CJ.
Good sized boulders offer one some nice articulation... |
*Bill Hallinan-" A great trip Ken! The combination of snow and good-sized rocks with the steep climb up the gulch, makes it a fun and challenging day! No moose were seen on this day. Bobbette, with her modified TJ made it thru the rock chutes up and down with both side-steps still intact! Chris "Colonel" Potter" made it look easy with driver skill and his modifications are paying off. It's just a walk in the park for Mr. automatic "Mad Max". While "The Toolman" and "Curley", make great use of their mods. Just another reason we do what we do, cause we love to "Jeep,Jeep"!!
A great view with great friends (including the "Toolman" Ken--who took this photo)...need I say more?? |
Ken "The Toolman" Kordes HoboJeepers
We hope you enjoyed our trip!! Thanks to Hobos Ken and Bill for the 23 photos!
Here are some other Castle Gulch Trip Reports:
Castle Gulch/Left Hand Clean Up 00'- HoboJeepers
Come visit the HoboJeepers Website, over 2000 photos await!!
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