Jenny Creek Trail
Near Rollinsville, Colorado

Click on Santana, Top Gun, Bob Marley, Rocky, AC/DC, Mission Impossible,

 Peanuts, Floyd, Eye of Tiger, Beatles, Fly like an Eagle, Deliverance, Men at Work,

Beach Boys, Axle's Theme, James Bond, Van Halen, or the Eagles while you browse the Jenny Creek Report...


Nice Jenny Creek Trail map and directions 


    On Saturday, July 10th  2010, I was running late up to meet Patrol 6 to go with them to do Jenny Creek. The Jeep was running like do-do (jets clogged) but I pressed up Hwy 72 and up thur Rollonsville. I headed west up the old railroad grade to the Jenny Creek trailhead. Still no sign of anyone until I reached the major creek crosing and everyone was there.

Molly and Brandy enjoying the scenery as I hurried up to the trailhead...


Even after all these years jeepin' Molly still loves to ride in the open breeze...


    Beautiful scenery makes up half the fun of getting to the trail. It is full Summer, and the cool breezes feel nice after hot summer days in Denver. Everyone including myself managed to get by the big rocks at the creek crossing and headed up the fun trail.


1st Jenny Creek crossing...


Quiet Jenny Creek...


The trail is fun and rocky in many places...


Molly searches the right and Brandy the trail for squirrels...


Hummmmm---this looks like a big snowdrift?!?...

    As for the rest of the trail, it was nice and bumpy and many stream crossings.  Heading up the trail we noticed the trail started filling up w/ water, and before we noticed the trail was under a creek of water for about ΒΌ of a mile until we hit dry land again. This is the trail, it follows the creek bed in and out.  The trail follows along side Jenny Creek, and eventually up and in the creek (Forest Road 502).  A long time ago, the creek jumped it's banks and took the least path of resistance, which was the existing trail.  This makes Jenny Creek unusual and different from all other Colorado trails (except for a portion of Taylor Pass), a chance to run up (and down in our case) a creek.  With the low runoff this year from snow banks, the water in Jenny Creek was running fairly high but clear!  Seemed a little strange driving up the creek bed, but like I said, this is the trail.  For a good hundred yards or so in two different locations we were running up the creek.  

   We continued up the trail until we hit the mother of all snow drifts smack dab in the middle of the trail! No going around, so Frank E winched himself up it and turned around and winced everyone up the drift (THANKS FRANK!). So that ends this year's fun run up Jenny Creek! 

Frank starts winching me up the drift, a good 7-8' high...


It's a step angle too, hard to see in a photo...


Almost to the top and the end of the trail at Yanke Doodle Lake ...



"Jeep, Jeep,"


Hobo Willy


Here are some other Jenny Creek Trip reports:

**2002 Jenny Creek Trail-HOBOJEEPERS**

**2001 Jenny Creek Trail-HOBOJEEPERS**

** 2000 ALL-4-FUN Jenny Creek Trail** 

** Jenny Creek Trail by Larry Heck**

**Jenny Creek Trail-Aspencades 99'-HoboJeepers**

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