On Thursday August 1st, after a nice day's rest, it was back to jeepin' the San Juan's! I led an un-official trip planned for Black Bear Pass and Imogene Pass Trails to leave at 8:30am from camp. Since the official trips did not include both on the same day, I decided to lead the trip.
The FUN day's group included: Myself and my jeepin-sidekick Molly (CJ7) with passenger Thomas Mathews, Hobo Jed 'Clampett' McClelland (CJ7) and family, Rick Fitzsimmons (Bronco), Scott Marshall (CJ7) with passengers Jack Lancaster (of Tellico 4x4) & nephew, Justin & Jodie Olsen (TJ), Jeff Carr (CJ7) with passenger Craig Olson, Scott Lindsay & his dog Jacks (CJ5) with passenger Randy, Bob Daniel & Virve Stred (TJ), Ron Burton (CJ7), Corey Sell (50-3A), Brent Burton (51-3A), & Fred Perry of Clemson 4Wheel Center with passenger Ken Brubaker of FourWheeler Magazine. Ken was along to do a story on our trip, take lots of photos, and publish an article.
Lining up and ready to go... |
We all headed out of camp thru Silverton and up Hwy 550 towards the Black Bear trailhead just south of Red Mountain Pass. We stopped to re-group, and Ken handed out info sheets for us to fill out for details on our rigs and personal info for the article. Black Bear Pass is not a rough difficult road, but it is rated ‘difficult because of it’s tight switchbacks and some rocky sections. Because of the switchbacks the trail is a one-way into Telluride.
Looking south, the trail starts up a series of switchbacks... |
The 1st climbs above the trailhead the trail is quite easy but steep. Numerous switchbacks open up views below. Normally, flowers of all colors would be everywhere, but with the drought, only yellow and purple flowers were spotty. Up near the top of the pass, a trail thru a rocky ravine afforded Ken some nice shots. Once on Black Bear Pass at 12,840', we took turns for photo opps on a rock with the Ingram Basin as a backdrop.
The views above timberline are everywhere... |
Rick Fitzimmons negotiates the small gulch... |
as does Jed 'Clampett' McClelland... |
and Fred Perry... |
along with the Best-in-Show winner from yesterday.. |
The trail descends rapidly into Ingram Basin and it gets a bit more rocky then the ascent. Passing by Ingram Lake, the views of the Telluride Valley start to open up. Just above the upper falls and switchbacks, Jed called on the CB that he had some clutch problems. Come to find out, he had busted the little plastic busing on the clutch linkage. With a quick trail fix, he made it down to Ingram Falls and a mine site where we had lunch. Jack Lancaster jumped in to help Jed repair the linkage as a temporary fix, as Jed was ready for the switchbacks!
Telluride awaits... |
as you pass thru some small obstacles... |
down to the best wheelin'... |
This spot is intimidating, but fun! |
Break for lunch below the Upper Falls... |
Now this is cool... |
After lunch, we proceeded down the narrow shelf trail to the 1st switchback. It's nice not having a Suburban at this point, as there is little room for error. Having a Currie Twin Stick is nice to allow for front steering on my CJ7 was nice for these tight turns. Everyone including Jed made it down ok, as we headed of west of Telluride for some gas and a 10-100.
The 'Switchbacks of Black Bear'... |
I pause at one for a 'Kodak Moment' with Molly... |
Nice shot from Rodger... |
We headed back into town, and started up the Imogene Pass Trail off Oak Street (take Aspen off Main Street). Bad timing though, as a tow truck was just coming down the narrow road one-lane hauling a broken-down tour Suburban. We made it around him, and started on up to a stop at the Tomboy Mine in Savage Basin. This section of trail is fairly easy with some small rocky sections.
The Black Bear switchbacks looking from Imogene Pass Trail... |
This tunnel miner went thru up to Tomboy... |
Waterfalls and flowers along the trail... |
Tomboy Mine in Savage Basin... |
Heading up to Imogene Pass thru Savage Basin... |
The main 'attention getter' is the shelf road below Savage Basin. We re-grouped at the Tomboy Mine and explored a bit, then headed on up to the top of Imogene Pass at 13,114'. Imogene Pass is the second highest pass in Colorado, and the most thrilling views. We took a nice group photo on the east side of Imogene Pass that overlooks the Red Mountains and great views of the San Juan's to the East.
Rodger @ 13,114' highest 'pass' in North America... |
We head over to the great view just east of the pass... |
On a bright sunny day, this view is awesome!... |
Group shot with the Red Mountains... |
Now it was time for the some 5,500'+ drop down into Ouray some 9 miles away. It was to begin as we descended quickly into Imogene Basin. We stopped at the 1st creek crossing for some photo opps, then headed on down to the waterfall obstacle that Ken wanted shots of. He said the water was down a good foot, as the water normally rushes past the wheels as it crosses the creek and attempts to climb out. After some jeepers ran thru it, we headed on down to the pavement just above Ouray and Hwy 550.
I climb the small cliff out of the creek... |
This perspective shows how steep it is... |
I cross the waterfall obstacle (Ken says it's usually a foot higher)... |
It was getting a bit late (6pmish), as I waited for the last group in Ouray to head down to head south to Silverton and camp (a 40 minute drive along the 25 mph Million Dollar Highway). The famous 'Door Prize Night' under the big top started promptly at 7pm (must be present to win), and we arrived back at camp at 6:50pm!! Thanks to Troy and Melody Mesmer for a great Door Prize Night! Everyone was ready to receive over 300 "NICE" door prizes to registered jeepers who were present (some even took home 2!). I won a $100 certificate to Shell Valley and have promptly sent off for some nice stainless parts for my Jeep! A big 'Thanks' to Fred Perry of Clemson 4Wheel Center who bid the highest ($750!) for the "JEEP"-Toughest 4 letters plaque for 2002, with the money going to Children's Hospital. Wahooo! Another FUN All-4-Fun day!! Again!!
Fred Perry accepts the 'Jeep' plate from the late Jim Provence... |
Door Prize night was a big success! |
Hi everyone! Did they call my name yet??. |
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
Other All-4-Fun 2002 Trip Reports
Sat: Kendall Mtn. Sun: POWER GULCH TOUR Mon: Cinnamon Pass/Carson Townsite
Tue: Brown's Gulch/Corkscrew Gulch/Ross Basin/Colorado Basin
Wed: Manufacture DayThur: Black Bear Pass/Imogene Pass Fri: Stony Pass/Kite Lake
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