Miner's Gulch to
Yankee Hill
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On Saturday 'NITE', October 20th 2012, we (9 Jeeps in all) met up around 6:00pm at the old Post Office parking lot north of Blackhawk, Colorado for the Miner's Gulch/Yankee Hill 'NITE' RUN'!
Hobos in attendance were myself (CJ7) and my beautiful girlfriend Linda, and Hobo Robert (TJ). We were joined by many happy and friendly MHJC members and wheelers Richard and Shelly D. (Patrol 2, Cherokee), Glenn G. and friend (Patrol 2, CJ-7), Glenn L. (Patrol 6, JK), Chris P. and friend (Patrol 6, TJ), Chris's friend Todd (TJ), Pete S. (Patrol 6, TJ), and Dave M. and friend (TJ). We disconnected, and aired down. As we chatted and waited for one other, it got darker and much colder. Though this could of been much colder and snowier, it was a nice cool evening for a run up Miner's and Yankee. Around 6:40pm, we were off North on Hwy 119. We headed up the dusty Apex road towards Elk meadow at dark dusk. By the time we got to the trailhead of Miner's Gulch it was pretty dark for a 'nite run'.
Meet up spot just north of Blackhawk, Colorado ready for some fun! |
Nice Sunset as we chatted with a possible new member who saw us parked...(GG) |
Break on the trail before the Miner's trailhead...(GG) |
We soon arrived at the trailhead of Miner's Gulch south of Elk Park ready for some fun! BTW, this is a Clear Creek Ranger District Forest Road 709.1. One by one, we crawled up the lower rocky section till we reached the 'rocky playground'. We took turns climbing up, and sorta 'winging it' when it comes to knowing where you are. I haven't done Miners since 08', and it's changed a little. Pictures were hard to take as you can imagine, but it was pretty dark in the trees. None of me, as I was in the front of the pack. Chris's friend Todd did great in his stock TJ!
Ready for Miner's????? ...(GG) |
Pete S coming up Miner's... |
Glenn G's CJ...(GG) |
Only trail shot I got, it was much rockier then this... |
Glenn L climbs up...(GG) |
...and thru the rock garden. (GG) |
Hobo Robert driving by (GG)... |
Richard had no problems and brings up the Tailgunner position (GG)... |
We all made it thru 'just peachy' (no breakage!), and headed on up the hill to Forest Road 175.1 and headed left towards Yankee Hill. The moon was only a small crescent so it was still pretty dark. Up a few miles, we reached the base of Yankee Hill, where we all headed up the steep mogul hill to the not so-WINDY top for a photo opportunity towards Denver at 11,200'. You could also see I-70 off in the distance, and the normally howling winds were NOT present. We grabbed a group vehicle and human photo, then played accordion with our lights shining back down on I-70 and Denver. Right on time (only 9:30pm), we all headed down Yankee Hill.
top of 11, 200' Yankee Hill... |
Happy Jeepers looking
East towards the city lights of Denver... |
Awsome shot by Glenn G. of the Milky Way!!... |
Instead of heading West right down into Alice, I went south down into Cumberland Gulch which meets up with the Fall River Road down from Alice. This trail would be best 'served' going up it verses down. We run it up on the Hobo Run. It has a lot of small rocky sections and is steep. It also doesn't get much travel, so it's a bit ATV-like along some sections. We made it down to the pavement of Fall River Road by 10pm, and put on the disconnects. It was quite a FUN fast trail for 9 rigs, in only about 3 hours. Some aired up there, while some in Idaho Springs.
Wow, what a fun trip!! A different perspective on the trail and jeepin', those missing this missed a great time! Hanging out with good wheelin' friends also makes for a nice trip too!!!!!
(GG= Photo by Glenn G)
Other HoboJeeper Miner's Gulch Trip Reports:
Miner's Gulch 'Nite Run' 2008-HoboJeepers
Miner's Gulch
'Nite Run' 2003-HoboJeepers
Miner's Gulch
'Nite Run' 2002-HoboJeepers
Creek/Miner's Gulch 2002-HoboJeeper
Gulch/Miner's Gulch 2001-HoboJeepers
2001-Miner's Gulch-HoboJeepers
Gulch/Miner's Gulch 2000-HoboJeepers
Gulch/Kingston Peak Trails 2000-HoboJeepers
Peak/Yankee Hill/Miner's Gulch 2000-HoboJeepers
(c) Copyright 2012 MHJC Patrol One HoboJeepers
Jeep is a registered trademark of Daimler Chrysler Corporation