Over the weekend of September 22-24, some will remember it just as an early fall cold and snowy weekend in Denver. Not so, if you were the adventurous type and headed out of Denver in the chilly rains Friday night to dark parts unknown. Only to find out when you arrived, it was warmer then when you left, a perfect Fall night in the 60's!! Nothing like the howling winds of last years's Aspencades near Central City. With good friends, and weather extremes from sunny and warm to cold and snowy, how can you go wrong with that? Bottom line, you missed a fun-fun Aspencades 2000 put by MHJC's Patrol 5!
Aspencades base camp, plenty of room in the pines... |
With my jeepin-sidekick Molly, I headed out Friday night and found the campsite near Tarryall, Colorado. I set up the tent trailer, and bundled up for a cool night. With a relaxing start of 10am to leave, the campfire was warm and toasty with good friends.
Ready for a fun trail ride... |
On Saturday September 23rd, just as Bob "Scrambled Eggs" Goble had strongly predicted at the MHJC Parent Club meeting, the day had its sunny and warm moments. We awoke to a foggy morning, but by 10am the fog lifted and the sun came out! We aired down and lined up behind Eric and Kat Pape (70 Jeepster) our trip leader for a great trail run. The trail on the agenda is a lesser known is called the CHINA WALL TRAIL as it follows along FS signs 204 and 212.
Eric's Jeepster leds us after a quick air down up the China Wall Trail... |
The adventurous Aspencades wheelers along for the ride were Don Wilson (TJ-P11), Larry Bracken & passenger Melody Hoag (CJ-P12), Brian and Margie Hoag (TJ-P12), Tom Allen and friend (Yota Runner-P12), Mike Koons (Yota FJ40-P3), MHJC Commander Mary Hilligoss & her cute yippy doggie (CJ7-P5), Jeff and Barbara Landsbach (XJ-P-5), yikes I'm missing the brown CJ7-sorry, and the green commando, and Mr. Bob Goble (CJ-P5) was the tail gunner.
Eric headed us out, and we started off at the trailhead and ran up and over many hills and some rocky granitic sections. One obstacle was a series of rocks to climb thru a small ravine, fun for all! Surprisingly, not all the aspens had turned yet. We had lunch down by the stream in the sunshine no less, just wondering what our Denver counterparts were doing.
A SUNNY break by the creek, I heard it wasn't SUNNY in Denver... |
Stock CJ takes on the harder routes with ease... |
After lunch by the creek, we came upon the obstacle that others may remember that have been to the area. It is some loose granitic rocks in a steep climb with a sharp left turn past a sharp rock that almost took out my sidewall (gatta love those 3 ply BFG's). Everyone managed to make it up it and we moved on.
MHJC members "clean-up" after some irresponsible campers at the lunch break... |
I climb up the main obstacle of China Wall...can you see me smiling?? |
Patrol 12's "Fugowie" Tom Allen lookin' good with the monster Runner... |
We backtracked a little and headed towards camp after a stop at a quartz vein to have a look at. I led some of us on a few more miles of easy trails (seems that's all that's around) like FS 206, and 204, and 231 and looked at a few more aspens along the way. A fun and sunny day on the trail, pretty nice since it was 38 and cloudy in Denver!
The trail wonders back West towards camp up the valley to the right... |
Hey! There were aspens in full color!! |
Once back at camp and about sunset, the winter weather set in. Ole' Man Winter paid us all an early visit. First it was pellets, and then they got bigger (snow!). Thanks a bunch to Patrol 5 for all they're hard work in fixing us dinner (in the cold and snow!), and of course the blueberry and peach cobblers for dessert. Jim and Betty Jacobs, Gary Moul, and Cory Moul, and some I just didn't get names -sorry- (I do remember a skunk and a buffalo though) were also at Aspencades 2000. It was a great showing, considering the frightful weekend weather predictions.
Great friends and jeepers after a fun day together! Note: this photo was taken before 6pm... |
This tent was very popular (note the thick white stuff outside), Patrol 5 handed out door prizes to these hearty souls... |
Now this is campin'!!...Look at all the happy faces,,, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! |
Thanks too for the door prizes, and the warm campfire. Did I mention it snowed?
Seems the ice I brought for the weekend was as fresh as when I bought it, guess
in the low 30's not much melts. Well, Sunday morning came, and we all woke up
to about 3-4" of the white stuff. We all dusted it off, hitched up,
and headed back to Denver. Thanks
again to Patrol 5, and to those
adventurous ones who had fun in the sun and
snow at Aspencades 2000.
Are tent trailers rated for snow storms?? Nothing a few days back home won't dry out...Winter? It's still Fall, oh well. |
Bill Hallinan HoboJeepers
Here is some another China Wall Trip Reports:
China Wall Trail Report 4-00 by the Bighorn 4x4's
China Wall Trail Report 3-98 by the Bighorn 4x4's
Check out last years ASPENCADES 99' near Central City, Colorado
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