We helped out the Marines and attended the:
Colorado State Association of 4WD Club's
1st Annual
Christmas Caravan
'Toys for Tots'
for Kids Toy Run
December 6th
Buckingham Square
Aurora, Colorado
Click on some Santana, Top Gun, Bob Marley, Rocky, AC/DC, Mission Impossible,
Beach Boys, Axle's Theme, James Bond, Van Halen, or the Eagles while you browse this report.
*Photos provided by myself w/Mardi B....
On a nice warm 'Winter' December Saturday from 10am-3pm, over 400+ 4Wheelers came together from 3 different locations to help the 'Toys for Tots' drive sponsored by the U.S. Marines. Organized by Colorado State Association of 4WD Club's & Mile-Hi Jeep Club members Paula and Chris, it was overwhelming how much support from the 4x4 community there was. It was nice to see everyone together for a cause and not just to wheel.
The main plan was to have 3 staging areas set up around town. One for the northern folks was at Westminster Mall, south was Super K-Mart @Arapahoe/I-25 (east side), and out west at Colorado Mill's Super Target. All 3 locations would leave at 9:30am and caravan on major highways to Buckingham Square at Havana & Mississippi in Aurora.
The HoboJeepers also wanted to get involved, as 4 of or 9 active members were able to attend. Early on Saturday, we all met up at the IHOP on 6th and Simms for breakfast. Those Hobos in attendance were Pete 'JeepDog' & Julie Ramirez (TJ), Patrol Leader-Paul 'WeiszGuy' & son Brett 'WeiszDude' Weisz (CJ7), Mark 'Fife' Fisher & daughter Katlyn (TJ), Ken 'Toolman' Kordes (new Chevy Truck-his tow rig), and myself (along with my jeepin-sidekick Molly). After a full meal (Paul was sure to finish his), Paul needed to wash his hardtop real quick to remove the cobwebs, then we were off to the Mills. We were 2nd in the parking lot, at the Super Target @ Colorado Mills (west meeting place). Soon, many rigs arrived. Until we lost count of how many around 80+ or so.
Paul does a quick cleanup on the go... |
The parking lot soon began to fill with 4x4's... |
About 9:30am, we had a driver meeting to discuss our route, and any questions anyone had. Soon after, we lined up in the parking lot and caravanned out to I-70. It took awhile, but Frank E. (MHJC Patrol 14) had lead many rigs before and knew how to keep up together. In no time we had all (80, 90?, none knows) of us on I-70 going about 45-50mph.
Driver meeting for the Colorado Mills group... |
Let's go wheelin'!! She just couldn't wait to taste the window... |
Now I lead about 45 or so rigs every year for the Hobo Run in July on I-70, and you usually can't see the tail gunner. Well, in this case as I was near the front, even on a long straight stretch near the old Stapleton I couldn't see the end! All I saw were headlights for miles! What a sight! It almost looked like a funeral procession. I'm sure people thought that, until they saw the Toys for Tots posters on the rigs.
Looking ahead on I-70 heading east... |
and west out my back, only on curves could you see headlights way back... |
We arrived a little past 10am (along with everyone else!). Soon, there were about 7 lines of 15-20 deep waiting to get in line to go to the Marines drop off point. I along with everyone else didn't mind waiting. This was one time waiting in line was not a bad thing. Finally, our group moved up to the drop off point and we handed out our toys. So much in fact, that about 3 trucks and a Humvee truck were full! Great turnout for a 1st Annual run, wait till next year kiddies!
Welcome to the 'Toys for Tots' Marine dropoff... |
All types of toys were donated... |
Paul pulls up... |
as I follow... |
along with Pete... |
and Ken (missed Mark somehow)... |
The parking lot was full of rigs of all kinds. From stock vehicles to rock buggies. It was a 'unofficial' show-n-shine of sorts. Other then MHJC, there were other 4WD Clubs and many from Colorado4x4.org.
4x4's took over the parking lot... |
This nice dash plaque was handed out. |
Around 11:30am, volunteers help distribute hot dogs, chips, cookies and soda. Chris took over as MC and thanked the Marines for organizing their guys for the event. Some 4x4 vendors were also there to show their wares. They also donated door prizes that Chris handed out to lucky ticket holders. Each vehicle that donated got a dash plaque food tickets and a raffle ticket. There was also a ramp and a Teeter-Totter to play on.
Paul and his son Brett get into the action and help out... |
Lots of dogs and food to go around. |
Chris MC'ed a large crowd... |
as Katlyn enjoyed it. |
Paul tried out the Teeter-Totter... |
as did the Marines. |
Thanks again to all who volunteered, and to those who participated! This was such a huge success, I'm sure it will be bigger each year! The thought of some kids having a little better Christmas because of a 'few' toys is what it's all about. And some said all 4wheelers do it wheel,,,,,well they are wrong. Merry Christmas to all, and a happy and safe wheeling 2004!!!
'See ya on the trail'!!!!!
Bill Hallinan MHJC Patrol 1 HOBOJEEPERS
"Jeep, Jeep"
(c) Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004 MHJC Patrol One HoboJeeprs
Jeep is a registered trademark of Daimler Chrysler Corporation