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On Saturday May 12th, 2001 being mid May in Colorado, one would assume most of the lower elevation snows in the foothills are somewhat passable, geeeezzzz was I wrong. Since we had a good dumping of snow the week before, most of the snow was still there. The HoboJeepers and friends initially had plans to christen our new Adopt-A-Trail Miner's Gulch, but instead we ended up busting snow on the upper road above the ghost town of Apex (NW of Central City). In fact, we couldn't even get to the trailhead due to 2-3 foot drifts!
A nice sunny Saturday morning awaited the anticipation of a fun jeep day as we all met up at our scheduled meeting time and place of Hwy 93 and Hwy 6 at 8:15am. The 11 Jeepers for the day included: Bobbette "Smiley" Mathews (TJ) with friend Andy, and family: Catherine and Micheal, Chris "Colonel" Potter (CJ) and sons: Jason, Micheal, and Scott, Ken "Toolman" Kordes (61 Ford), myself (CJ) and my jeepin-sidekick Molly, Steve "Da Moose" Gilbert (TJ) and his brother Jon from Chicago, and Scott "Mad Max" Maxwell (TJ) and his son Pete (and Pete's friend). On their second trip in less then a week with us, were prospective Hobos Mark Gilbertson (CJ) and his wife, Jason Brew (XJ), and Drew "Drewby" Middleton (TJ) were ready to go. Guests included: Dennis "Snow Buster" Ervin (a yellow Yota that eats Jeeps), and Zane and Dale Znamenacek (TJ) of MHJC's Patrol 14 Alpine 14er's.
Airing down and disconnecting at the Blackhawk Post Office... |
We headed up Clear Creek Canyon on Hwy 6 along Clear Creek with lights on, and passed Black Hawk to stop at the post office to air down and do the "disco". After airing down, it was on to the Apex dirt road off Hwy 119. I had arraigned to have the county lay some water down for dust control, but they seem to have forgot. Well, being trip leader in front of the pack, I tried to tip toe through the dirt and avoid dusting my buddies. Hey were out of town, what's a little dust between friends!
OK, For our 1st lesson, I get stuck showing everyone the in-correct way to snow bust on our first major snowdrift... |
Professor Dennis shows us the correct way to snow bust... |
Steve "Moose Gilbert" navigates the snowdrift... |
Arriving at the ghost town of Apex, the easy dusty county road turns west, and instantly becomes a "no winter maintained" road. Being in the trees even at 9000 feet, the snow had drifted up in the shady areas. We made it to our first snow bank, and I attempted to show everyone the wrong way to "snowbust". I was very successful in getting stuck, as the "Colonel" had to tug me out. Once you get above the majority of the trees, the road is mostly in sunny areas and the snow is clear in spots. Around corners (old drifts), is where the deeper 2-foot drifts waited.
Ken's 61 Ford F100 is much heavier then a Jeep, and digs in more... |
Bill's 82CJ7 breaks new trail a foot at a time... |
SNOW BUSTIN' 101: With Professor Dennis "Snow Buster" Ervin. Dennis steps up and shows us all how it's done. The key: to go slow and easy, idle if you can, and never give it too much gas (or you will just dig in). Dennis worked the first few snowdrifts, and then I tried the next ones. Once you lose momentum in cutting down the snow, stop and back up and pack down the snow you just broke down (like packing a snowman). This allows for a thin layer of compressed snow to ride on. Do not accelerate on this layer or you will break through and will have to bust the next layer.
Mark Gilbertson rides nice and easy while still running open... |
Drew "Drewby" Middleton's TJ has an easy time being in the back of the pack, while most of the snow is packed... |
Deep snow is tough for heavier vehicles like "Toolman's" 61 Ford. He followed the same path, but was digging in just because the Jeeps weighed much less. Any snowdrifts above axle height are almost impossible to bust, just because your momentum is slowed because your axle and differential are snow plowing.
Bobbette eases on up the snow ruts, and never gets stuck... |
Ken, with his weight dug deeper in the deeper drifts, but worked his way out... |
Ken then gets really stuck... |
Scott "Mad Max" and his happy passengers out for a Sunday drive... |
We worked our way up to the saddle above Elk Park and stopped to enjoy lunch and the spring views. Upon further investigation, the road down the valley to the Miner's Gulch trailhead was blocked with 2-3 foot drifts. The roads down to Tolland and to Kingston Peak were also blocked.
We came across a small stream within a snow bank.... |
Dennis "Snow Buster" Ervin crosses the creek like a speed bump... |
Hobo Willy and his jeepin-sidekick Molly take and angle at the creek for some flexing.... |
Mark Gilbertson Wisconsin CJ7 gets thru the creek...... |
After lunch we headed back the Apex road and tried another roads east of Apex. On our way back down the snowdrifts Steve in the Moose tried some deeper snowdrifts and ended up stuck up to his bumper in snow. Jason returned a previous favor and tried to pull him out in hi XJ. Nope, he was too light. So Ken is his heavy 61 Ford pulled up and latched on and Nope, the Moose was really stuck! So I latched on to Ken, and tried to pull Ken and Steve out, nope everyone stuck. So Jason in the XJ latched on to me, and I pulled on Ken, who pulled on the Moose, and the Moose was free!
Scott in his automatic, crawls in and out... |
Bobbette's "Smiley" TJ also crosses nice and easy ... |
The end of the road (as of 5-12-01), we enjoyed the springtime views during lunch... |
Lunchtime in the Rockie, a nice day at 10500'... |
We headed on east of Apex, but they too had snowdrifts. So we decided to head over West of Central City, so Dennis led the way. Once at the cemeteries, I had to call it a day (come to find out my brake hardware had broke, and my accumulated grease from a leaky seal made my driver rear brakes useless. Chris, Ken, and Dennis headed down to the Total station and back to Denver.
On the way back on Hwy 6, Ken's alternator went out on him and his 61 Ford. Dennis graciously stopped and helped Ken take the bad alternator into Golden to get a new one. Though he had a lifetime warranty, it was only good in Littleton. Ken was back on the road thanks to Dennis!
The rest of the group headed up some short rocky hill climbs, then explored the trails in true Hobo fashion (Taking then wherever it took them). I hear Bobbette was in the lead since she had the map. Well, seems The Hobos let the trails take them wherever they took them. After a quick "Map 101" crash course, they ended up going down the Hamblin Gulch trail, which has a bad off-camber spot going downhill. All made it by safely and on down Fall River road to the free air North of the Texaco station north of the I-70/ Mt. Evan exit. Another fun day for all!
Here are some excerpts of the day on the Hobo Café:
Chris "Colonel" Potter: "Another good trip on Saturday...even though the snow slowed things up and eventually kept us from completing our journey, it was a beautiful day in the high country. Ken had alternator troubles and Bill is getting a rear-bearing, etc fixed before Moab. I learned a few things about driving in snow from Dennis Erwin. Thanks Dennis! By the way Moose, how many had to strap on to you to get "da Moose" out of snow?"
Scott "Mad Max" Maxwell: "Great trip, mucho fun had by adults and kids alike. Snow was a blast and Dennis took us all to school. The trail we did in the afternoon (the one we did a couple years ago at Aspencades) has been graded and all the fun articulation is gone. On the bright side, we did find a fun way off the top of that peak down onto the Kingston Peak road and back to Idaho Springs! Thanks again all for another great Jeep,Jeepin' weekend. And to all a good night....."Enjoyed the day, our trip later was fun! Had a nice group of people and it was great to see Paul again! It's been awhile since I have been in that much snow on the trail…and calling it quits when we did was a good decision. Hope to see you next weekend at Miner's Gulch if I don't get roped in to planting flowers with Ms.
Ken "Toolman" Kordes: "If I remember right it was Toolman, Hobo Willy, and Mark pulling the Moose out? If the count is right, that looks like three and the Moose. It was still fun. Yes I did lose an alternator, had to go into Golden and get a new one. Thanks to Dennis I was back on the road in about and hour."
Steve "Moose" Gilbert: "I believe I was strapped to ken, ken to bill, and bill to jason. "
The story of the Poor Moose, The Big Bear, and the German Shorthair Pointer... |
This short children's story is written by my jeepin' sidekick "Molly" the German Shorthaired Pointer,
and is dedicated especially for the Moose:
High in the mountain forests, there once was a Moose who wondered into a snow bank.
The Moose got stuck! Poor TJ Moose.
The Moose did not know what to do. The Moose tried to get out saying, "I'm a TJ, I think I can, I think I can", oh no the Moose is stuck deeper. Oh No! The Moose was not happy, what was he to do??. Poor TJ Moose.
When along comes a white XJ squirrel named Jason and straps on to Moose's hoof, the squirrel tugs and tugs, but the squirrel is just too light. The Moose was too deep in the snow. The Moose is still stuck up past his hoofs. Poor TJ Moose.
The Moose was so stuck; even his will could not get him out. "What now, thought the Moose"? Geeee, and he thought a TJ could do anything. Big Ford bear Toolman comes down from the woods to the Moose's aid. Poor TJ Moose.
Big Bear straps on to the Moose and digs in with all his might. The TJ Moose is really stuck now, as he got the bear stuck too. We could leave the Moose in the snow bank til spring thaw! Oh No! Poor TJ Moose.
CJ "Molly" the German Shorthair Pointer sees the Moose and the Big Bear in trouble, and helps tug on the Big Bear, who is tugging on the Moose. Nope, the Moose is still stuck. Oh No! Poor TJ Moose.
Seeing everyone in trouble, the white squirrel jumps in again and throws a rope to Molly. The Squirrel tugs on the German Shorthair Pointer, who tugs on the Bear, who tugs on the Poor TJ Moose. Tug, Tug, Tug!---------------Yea!
The Moose is finally free!!
Happy Moose!!
The Moose wonders down the trail shaking off the snow, thankful for his forest friends.
It's always a beautiful day when a TJ needs to pulled out.
The End.
"Jeep, Jeep"
(c) Copyright 1999,2000,2001 MHJC Patrol One
Jeep is a registered trademark of DaimlerChrysler Corporation